The Eckley B. Coxe Jr. Expedition to Drah abu el Naga (Thebes), Egypt; Clarence Stanley Fisher, 1921-1923
Accession Lot
- Object[1,563]
- no[1,563]
- egyptian[1,563]
- amulet[88]
- amulet fragment[10]
- awl[1]
- ball[4]
- bandage[28]
- bead[126]
- bead string[8]
- beads[6]
- block[1]
- body sherd[7]
- bowl[2]
- box fragment[4]
- bracelet[1]
- brick[11]
- capital[1]
- cartonnage[8]
- chair[2]
- cloth[2]
- coffin[4]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[1]
- cosmetic container[1]
- cup[3]
- cup fragment[5]
- earring[2]
- eye[1]
- fastening[5]
- figurine[31]
- fragment[10]
- frog[1]
- funerary cone[63]
- game piece[2]
- hair ring[4]
- handle[4]
- harpoon[1]
- head rest[3]
- headdress[7]
- hypocephalus[1]
- implement[1]
- inlay[28]
- inlay fragment[1]
- jar[5]
- jar handle[1]
- kohl pot[1]
- lid[2]
- manuscript[32]
- mask[1]
- mat[3]
- menat[2]
- model[35]
- model fragment[2]
- mummy bandage[5]
- mummy case[9]
- mummy case fragment[3]
- mummy label[2]
- mummy mask[1]
- nail[1]
- object[5]
- ornament[2]
- ostracon[282]
- pectoral[1]
- peg[3]
- pendant[3]
- pin[7]
- plaque[7]
- plate[1]
- plug[1]
- pot[1]
- pottery[3]
- rag[1]
- ring[14]
- ring bezel[1]
- ring fragment[1]
- sandal[3]
- scarab[37]
- scarab wing[6]
- seal (object)[2]
- sealing[7]
- shabti[236]
- shabti fragment[1]
- shawabti[247]
- shawabti fragment[3]
- shell[8]
- sherd[7]
- shoe[1]
- shroud fragment[1]
- socket[1]
- spinning implement[1]
- staff head[1]
- stand[1]
- statuary[3]
- statue[1]
- statuette[5]
- stela[3]
- stool[2]
- strip[14]
- tablet[1]
- textile[87]
- toilet article[6]
- toilet box[2]
- vase[3]
- dra abu el-naga[1,563]
- egypt[1,561]
- ptolemaic[1]
- 19/x[1]
- 303 x/1[2]
- area 1[7]
- area 1, in courtyard of tomb 1[1]
- brick tomb 6[1]
- court 15[1]
- court in front of tomb 6[1]
- court of brick tomb 6[1]
- court of tomb 158[2]
- courtyard of tomb 1[1]
- courtyard tomb 18[8]
- courtyard tomb 18/x[1]
- dan 14[1]
- dan 3[1]
- debris above 287 x[1]
- debris over tomb[1]
- from coffin[1]
- inner end of passage, x/7[3]
- l cemetery l. surface x/3[1]
- l. c. 65[1]
- l. c. 76 shaft x, x/13[1]
- l. c. ii, 2 tomb 12 a, x/4[1]
- l. c. iii, 1, 28a, x/3[1]
- l. c. vi, 3, 65[3]
- l.c. 65[1]
- l.c. 78, x/28[1]
- l.c. vi 3/x x/11[1]
- l.c.iv,2-3[8]
-, 2, 60 shaft, x/5[1]
-,3.65, shaft x, x/14[1]
-,3.65, shaft x,x/15[1]
-,3.65,shaft x,x/15[1]
- l.c.vii, 1, 66, x/4[1]
- lc 160[1]
- lc 307 a x/9[1]
- lc 6[1]
- lc 76[1]
- lc vi[3]
- lc vi 2 surface x[2]
- lc vi 44a[1]
- lc6[1]
- lci1[2]
- lower cemetery i.2 x/1[1]
- mandara[1]
- mandara 1[1]
- mandara 162, debris outer vestibule[3]
- no.1 area[1]
- pyramid 3[1]
- shaft 3[1]
- shaft 5[1]
- shaft 9[1]
- t 14[2]
- t 156[2]
- t 16[1]
- t 16x[1]
- t 3[1]
- t 303[1]
- t 306[1]
- t1[3]
- t10[1]
- t14[2]
- t15[12]
- t15 x[1]
- t156[11]
- t156x[2]
- t158[8]
- t158x[1]
- t159[2]
- t15x[3]
- t16[1]
- t162[1]
- t162, mandara 8, debris[1]
- t18[1]
- t19[4]
- t19x[1]
- t21[2]
- t21x[1]
- t3[1]
- t6[2]
- tomb 1[1]
- tomb 15/x[1]
- tomb 156[1]
- tomb 16/w[1]
- tomb 162[10]
- tomb 2 coutyard[1]
- tomb 21/x[1]
- tomb tt 283[1]
- tt158[1]
- u.c. 156 x, pit 1, x/2[1]
- uc160[5]
- ut debris in 23, x/1-2[2]
- x x/6[13]
- x x/8[1]
- x/2[2]
- x/20[2]
- x2[1]
- x4[1]
- animal[4]
- ba bird[1]
- bed[4]
- bed?[1]
- bes[3]
- book of the dead[2]
- box?[1]
- calf head[1]
- cession[3]
- child[1]
- club[1]
- cobra[1]
- coffin[1]
- collar[1]
- contract[2]
- couch[2]
- crocodile[1]
- djed pillar[2]
- dog[1]
- double plume[1]
- ear[2]
- erotic[1]
- eye[22]
- gazelle[1]
- gift[1]
- hand[1]
- headdress[1]
- heart[1]
- horse[1]
- horse head[1]
- house[2]
- human[4]
- human head[3]
- implement[1]
- indeterminate[1]
- jackal[1]
- khnum[1]
- king[1]
- lease[1]
- loan[1]
- magical spell[2]
- man[2]
- nubian[1]
- nude woman[5]
- papyrus column[1]
- paukhonsu[1]
- pawah[1]
- plume[1]
- ptah[1]
- ptah pataikos[2]
- ptah-sokar-osiris[1]
- receipt[2]
- sale[4]
- sarcophagus[20]
- sarcophagus lid[7]
- sarcophagus?[1]
- sekhmet[2]
- snake[1]
- son of horus[10]
- table?[1]
- taweret[1]
- toilet box[6]
- tomb[3]
- uraeus[1]
- wedjat eye[4]
- woman[7]
- coptic language[148]
- demotic[16]
- hieratic[56]
- hieroglyphic[110]
- agate[1]
- alabaster[3]
- amethyst[2]
- basalt[1]
- beryl[9]
- bone[4]
- bronze[33]
- calcite[1]
- carnelian[9]
- cartonnage[2]
- ceramic[308]
- clay[22]
- fabric[1]
- faience[384]
- feather[3]
- garnet[1]
- gesso[1]
- glass[21]
- glaze[1]
- gold[4]
- grass[4]
- green jasper[1]
- hematite[1]
- horn (animal part)[5]
- ink[50]
- ivory[1]
- jasper[1]
- lapis lazuli[3]
- leather[1]
- limestone[7]
- linen[99]
- metal[1]
- mud[17]
- obsidian[1]
- paint[62]
- palm leaf[3]
- papyrus[30]
- paste[2]
- pigment[37]
- plaster[10]
- pottery[4]
- red jasper[1]
- sandstone[2]
- serpentine[2]
- shell[14]
- silver[1]
- slate[8]
- steatite[6]
- stone[11]
- stucco[9]
- terracotta[490]
- turquoise[2]
- wood[102]
- actual citation[31]
1 - 30 of 1,563 Records

1 - 30 of 1,563 Records