The Eckley B. Coxe Jr. Expedition to Meydum; Alan Rowe, 1932
Accession Lot
- Object[3,539]
- no[3,539]
- egyptian[3,539]
- aegis[1]
- amphora[18]
- amphora fragment[1]
- amulet[124]
- amulet fragment[2]
- amulets[3]
- anklet[12]
- bead[31]
- bead string[3]
- beads[14]
- blade[1]
- bowl[109]
- bracelet[2]
- bread stamp[1]
- candlestick unguentarium[3]
- cartonnage[3]
- coffin[3]
- coffin fragment[1]
- coffin lid[3]
- coin[2,327]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[1]
- conical flask[1]
- cowrie shell[1]
- crocodile bone[1]
- cup[62]
- dish[54]
- dish fragment[5]
- earring[14]
- figurine[18]
- fishhook[1]
- foil fragment[1]
- footed bowl[1]
- fruit[15]
- game piece[1]
- human skull[3]
- implement[2]
- incense burner[2]
- incense stand[1]
- inlay[2]
- jar[156]
- jar fragment[1]
- jar sealing[1]
- jar stand[3]
- jar stopper[3]
- jug[60]
- juglet[9]
- kohl pot[5]
- kohl pot lid[4]
- kohl stick[1]
- ladle[1]
- lamp[21]
- lid[1]
- manuscript[1]
- manuscript fragment[2]
- metal fragment[2]
- model[10]
- mummy mask[2]
- needle[4]
- object[2]
- offering dish[64]
- offering pot[9]
- offering table[2]
- ostracon[22]
- pendant[1]
- pigment fragment[1]
- pine cone[2]
- plate[4]
- pot[237]
- pot stand[1]
- potsherd[7]
- rim sherd[1]
- ring[5]
- scarab[13]
- seal[3]
- seal (object)[1]
- seal ring[1]
- sealing[11]
- sheet[1]
- sheet fringe[1]
- shell[1]
- sherd[1]
- slab[1]
- spatula[1]
- spindle vase[1]
- spouted jar[2]
- stand[2]
- statuary[1]
- string of beads[21]
- textile[3]
- trial piece[1]
- vase[12]
- vessel[1]
- votive[6]
- weight[6]
- winnowing fan[1]
- wood fragment[2]
- wreath fragment[1]
- arcadius[177]
- constans[12]
- constantine i[1]
- constantius[2]
- constantius i[3]
- constantius ii[56]
- early christian[99]
- eighteenth dynasty[36]
- flavius victor[2]
- fourth dynasty[115]
- gallus caesar[1]
- graeco-roman period[474]
- gratian[11]
- honorius[104]
- imperial roman period[1,646]
- julian[3]
- julian caesar[1]
- magnus maximus[4]
- middle kingdom[1]
- new kingdom[36]
- old kingdom[115]
- ptolemaic period[268]
- roman period[166]
- theodosius[17]
- theodosius i[137]
- theodosius ii[27]
- third intermediate period[25]
- thirtieth dynasty[8]
- thirty-third dynasty[157]
- twelfth dynasty[1]
- twenty-second dynasty[125]
- valens[29]
- valentian[1]
- valentinian[15]
- valentinian i[18]
- valentinian ii[82]
- early christian[99]
- graeco-roman[474]
- islamic[1]
- ptolemaic[158]
- rhodian[1]
- roman[166]
- roman imperial[2,212]
- 314[4]
- 316 kg[4]
- an[91]
- an14[4]
- an15[10]
- an17[3]
- ans[4]
- ans 17[6]
- ans 18[11]
- ans 34[3]
- ans 35[3]
- ans 38[4]
- ans 4[4]
- ans 45[5]
- ans 46[6]
- ans 47[16]
- ans 49[17]
- ans 5[3]
- ans 51[30]
- ans 58[4]
- ans 63[5]
- ans 64[5]
- ans 68d[5]
- ans 70[10]
- ans 94[5]
- ans 95[7]
- ans 98[3]
- ans 99[2,214]
- ans12[3]
- ans16[11]
- ans18[4]
- ans19[23]
- ans2[5]
- ans20[17]
- ans24[4]
- ans26[8]
- ans27[18]
- ans28[8]
- ans28a[11]
- ans3[4]
- ans35[21]
- ans38[11]
- ans39[11]
- ans39b[4]
- ans4[35]
- ans40[7]
- ans42a[4]
- ans43[14]
- ans44[4]
- ans45[4]
- ans46[16]
- ans47[9]
- ans48[4]
- ans49[20]
- ans51[5]
- ans52[9]
- ans55[4]
- ans57[9]
- ans58[9]
- ans59[6]
- ans63[10]
- ans63a[11]
- ans64[15]
- ans64c[14]
- ans66a[4]
- ans70[7]
- ans75[4]
- ans76b[5]
- ans8[12]
- ans94[15]
- ans95[7]
- ans99[5]
- m17[16]
- m3[6]
- pyramid temple[4]
- pyramid, east face[4]
- pyramid, west face[4]
- t277[4]
- t296[7]
- t314[10]
- t462[4]
- t482[7]
- t483[5]
- t485[4]
- t492[8]
- t494[6]
- t549[6]
- t550[7]
- t551[8]
- t553[57]
- t564[14]
- t565 ch. b[5]
- t582[4]
- tomb 385[15]
- tomb 482[6]
- tomb 485[4]
- tomb 560[7]
- tomb 564[40]
- tomb 565 ch. b[18]
- tomb 582[5]
- aegis[1]
- bes[10]
- birds[1]
- bread loaf[1]
- cartouche[1]
- child[1]
- crocodile?[1]
- cross[2]
- deity[1]
- doll[1]
- double plume[5]
- eye[1]
- falcon[2]
- female head[3]
- flower[1]
- fly[1]
- frog[3]
- fruit[1]
- god?[1]
- grafitto[1]
- hathor headdress[2]
- head[1]
- head rest[1]
- headdress[4]
- heart[11]
- horus[3]
- horus?[1]
- human[2]
- isis[3]
- isis girdle[7]
- jug[1]
- king?[1]
- lion[2]
- lotus[1]
- lunula[1]
- mason level[3]
- mason square[5]
- mnevis[1]
- mother[1]
- musician[2]
- mut?[1]
- name[1]
- nefertem[2]
- nephthys[1]
- nude woman[2]
- offering stand[1]
- offering table[1]
- ox[2]
- papyrus column[3]
- papyrus flower[1]
- plaque[5]
- ptah?[1]
- rising sun[1]
- rosette[2]
- scarab[1]
- sekhmet[9]
- sema-tawy[2]
- serpent[2]
- serpent head[2]
- sma[1]
- snofru?[1]
- sow[1]
- stamp seal[4]
- sun[1]
- tambourine[3]
- taweret[2]
- thoth[1]
- tongue[1]
- two fingers[4]
- tyet[7]
- wedjat eye[24]
- woman[4]
- agate[1]
- alabaster[5]
- amethyst[1]
- bone[1]
- bronze[2,362]
- carnelian[25]
- cartonnage[3]
- ceramic[840]
- cowrie shell[4]
- crocodile bone[1]
- crystal[1]
- diorite[7]
- faience[92]
- feldspar[1]
- fiber[6]
- flint[2]
- frit[5]
- fruit[15]
- glass[21]
- gold[12]
- hematite[9]
- human bone[3]
- ink[1]
- iron[1]
- limestone[19]
- limonite[5]
- linen[4]
- mud[12]
- obsidian[6]
- paint[129]
- papyrus[1]
- pigment[2]
- pine cone[2]
- plaster[3]
- quartz[1]
- red jasper[7]
- reed (plant)[1]
- rock crystal[2]
- sandstone[1]
- serpentine[25]
- shale[3]
- shell[10]
- silver[7]
- steatite[8]
- stone[5]
- terracotta[28]
- wood[12]
- brown ware[1]
- embroidered[2]
- gilded[2]
- incised[12]
- inscribed[10]
- painted[45]
- stamped[1]
1 - 30 of 3,539 Records

1 - 30 of 3,539 Records