Sitio Conte, Panama
Located in central Panama, the Rio Grande de Coclé floods during the rainy season. In the early 20th century, the Conte family noticed that the shifting course of the river was exposing ancient burials on the river’s edge. In 1940, the Penn Museum excavated the now-famous Sitio Conte (Conte Site) and found archaeological evidence of a large cemetery including an impressive burial of a chief that had been buried with lots of gold and numerous other individuals. The evidence, although dating to the late 1st millennium CE, seemed to corroborate Spanish accounts of events and rituals surrounding the burial of powerful chiefs for the Quevi culture in the late 16th century CE.
- Object[4,949]
- american[4,949]
- 3D Model[1]
- adze[103]
- animal tooth[67]
- arrowhead[357]
- base[8]
- base sherd[19]
- bead[191]
- beads[24]
- bell[30]
- belt bead[24]
- body sherd[31]
- bone[17]
- bone fragment[3]
- bottle[8]
- bowl[179]
- bowl fragment[36]
- bowl fragments[6]
- bracelet[3]
- carafe[256]
- carafe fragment[10]
- celt[126]
- censer[23]
- censer fragment[5]
- chisel[27]
- concretion[23]
- cover[4]
- crystal (stone)[5]
- cuff[3]
- cup[5]
- disc[19]
- dish[5]
- double bowl[3]
- ear rod[16]
- ear rod cap[9]
- effigy[14]
- effigy bowl[9]
- effigy jar[15]
- effigy vessel[37]
- effigy vessel fragment[3]
- figurine[27]
- figurine fragment[6]
- flint[15]
- fossil[3]
- gold fragment[12]
- handle[13]
- incense burner[4]
- jar[238]
- jar fragment[9]
- jar handle[5]
- jar sherd[4]
- lid[12]
- lithic[3]
- mano[14]
- metal fragment[11]
- metate[15]
- mirror[4]
- neck sherd[119]
- necklace[6]
- nose clip[5]
- nose ornament[3]
- olla[10]
- onlay[14]
- ornament[69]
- pebble[15]
- pedestal[17]
- pedestal base[12]
- pedestal bowl[36]
- pedestal plate[20]
- pendant[25]
- plaque[21]
- plate[244]
- plate fragment[50]
- plate fragments[14]
- point[680]
- pot[33]
- pot fragment[4]
- pot rest[3]
- projectile point[162]
- quartz crystal[6]
- rim[35]
- rim fragment[4]
- rim sherd[93]
- rod[4]
- sample[14]
- shark tooth[96]
- sheathing[8]
- sherd[905]
- sherds[613]
- spout[5]
- spouted jar[30]
- stand[4]
- stingray spines[3]
- stone[27]
- stone fragment[16]
- tooth[7]
- tripod bowl[5]
- tube[4]
- vase[22]
- vessel[115]
- vessel fragment[14]
- whale tooth cap[4]
- panama[4,949]
- sitio conte[4,949]
- sitio conte[4,938]
- cocle[4,769]
- central american[4,926]
- b-16[10]
- b-7[26]
- burial[15]
- burial 10a[30]
- burial 10b[5]
- burial 11[682]
- burial 12[102]
- burial 12a[16]
- burial 12b[34]
- burial 12c[36]
- burial 12d[82]
- burial 12e[14]
- burial 12f[41]
- burial 12g[30]
- burial 13[22]
- burial 13a[7]
- burial 13b[3]
- burial 14[119]
- burial 15[28]
- burial 16[117]
- burial 16? or tr. 2, b 11, level iii, skeleton b[3]
- burial 17a[43]
- burial 17b[21]
- burial 18[301]
- burial 19[147]
- burial 22[23]
- burial 23[73]
- burial 24[26]
- burial 24a[4]
- burial 25[49]
- burial 26a[17]
- burial 26b[6]
- burial 28[26]
- burial 7[5]
- burial 8[3]
- burial 8a[37]
- burial 8b[19]
- burial 9[6]
- cache 10[3]
- cache 20[5]
- cache 26[9]
- cache 27[21]
- cache11[5]
- general catalogue 157[4]
- general catalogue 52b[4]
- probably trench 2[12]
- skeleton i[4]
- tr. 2, b 10-a[5]
- tr. 2, b 11[336]
- tr. 2, b 11 foot of skeleton g[5]
- tr. 2, b 11 skeleton e[5]
- tr. 2, b 11 skeleton h[36]
- tr. 2, b 11 skeletons a, b[7]
- tr. 2, b 11 skeletons f-g[4]
- tr. 2, b 11, ca. n 182.5 - w 168, level iii[10]
- tr. 2, b 11, cache near s. side of small gold plaques at skeleton a & b, l ii[13]
- tr. 2, b 11, final clearing of level iii[59]
- tr. 2, b 11, l iii[10]
- tr. 2, b 11, level iii[14]
- tr. 2, b 11, level iii, skeleton b[9]
- tr. 2, b 11, mainly from pottery wall[394]
- tr. 2, b 11, mainly from pottery wall and levels 1 and ii[50]
- tr. 2, b 11, near feet of skeletons c-d[4]
- tr. 2, b 11, probably from pottery wall or middle level[38]
- tr. 2, b 11, skeleton e[4]
- tr. 2, b 11, skeleton i[48]
- tr. 2, b 11, south of n.w. corner, square 22, near gold earrods[24]
- tr. 2, b 11, square 14, level iii, at right elbow of skeleton a[21]
- tr. 2, b 11, square 15, level iii[46]
- tr. 2, b 11, square 16, level iii[11]
- tr. 2, b 11, square 16, level iii, from over skeleton[7]
- tr. 2, b 11, square 27 and 21, cache, level iii[6]
- tr. 2, b 11, square 4, l iii, at right ankle of skeleton c[6]
- tr. 2, b 11, square 4, level iii[10]
- tr. 2, b 12[8]
- tr. 2, b 12d[5]
- tr. 2, b 12f[5]
- tr. 2, b 15b[5]
- tr. 2, b 18, skeleton e[12]
- tr. 2, b 19[7]
- tr. 2, b 25[7]
- tr. 2, b 7[7]
- tr. 2, b 7, skeleton b, cache[350]
- tr. 2, burial 11, mainly from pottery wall[98]
- trench 1[6]
- trench 2[37]
- trench 2, burial 12g[6]
- trench 2, burial 13[4]
- trench 2, burial 15[14]
- trench 2, burial 15b[4]
- trench 2, burial 17a[4]
- trench 2, burial 17b[4]
- trench 2, burial 18[6]
- trench 2, burial 18, skeleton e[5]
- trench 2, burial 19[26]
- trench 2, burial 22[5]
- trench 2, burial 25[7]
- upper level[8]
- west of b-7, uner and around stone i[8]
- west part of tr. 2, isolated[4]
- animal[5]
- animal head[8]
- armadillo[1]
- armadillo?[1]
- bat[1]
- bird[3]
- bird?[1]
- cat[1]
- crab[2]
- crocodile[4]
- crocodile?[3]
- face[1]
- feline[1]
- human[4]
- human face[4]
- human head[2]
- human leg[1]
- jaguar[4]
- jaguar head[1]
- leg[1]
- lizard head[2]
- reptile[1]
- textile[1]
- toucan[1]
- turtle[3]
- turtle?[1]
- adze[7]
- agate[6]
- amber[2]
- animal bone[2]
- animal teeth[3]
- animal tooth[68]
- beads[1]
- bone[53]
- bronze[2]
- canine tooth[1]
- carbonized[1]
- celt[12]
- ceramic[2,707]
- chalcedony[7]
- claw[1]
- clay[1]
- concretion[20]
- copal[3]
- copper[16]
- cordage[1]
- deer tooth[1]
- dirt[2]
- dog tooth[73]
- emerald[1]
- fish bone[1]
- flint[378]
- fossil[2]
- glass[2]
- gold[398]
- gold alloy[1]
- gum[3]
- ivory[4]
- jadeite[7]
- jasper[22]
- limestone[2]
- mano[1]
- metal[11]
- metate[4]
- mortar[1]
- paint[2]
- peccary tooth[1]
- peccary tusk[1]
- pendant[2]
- plaque[1]
- powder[1]
- quartz[169]
- resin (material)[5]
- rock[1]
- rock crystal[3]
- sample[8]
- sandstone[1]
- seed[1]
- shark tooth[97]
- shell[4]
- sperm whale tooth[1]
- sting ray spine[2]
- stingray spines[3]
- stone[835]
- tooth[16]
- tusk[2]
- whale bone[1]
- whale tooth[5]
- wood[9]
- beaded[1]
- black ware[4]
- blackware[1]
- carbonized[1]
- carved[1]
- chipped[1]
- drilled[1]
- embossed[1]
- flake[1]
- flaked[48]
- gilded[1]
- hammered[1]
- painted[5]
- polished[2]
- polychromatic[4]
- polychrome[23]
- redware[5]
- worked[2]
- actual citation[252]
- general reference[3,944]
1 - 30 of 4,949 Records
1 - 30 of 4,949 Records