

From: United States of America | South Dakota | Pine Ridge Reservation (uncertain)

Curatorial Section: American

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Object Number 63-8-22
Current Location Collections Storage
Culture Sioux
Provenience United States of America | South Dakota | Pine Ridge Reservation (uncertain)
Culture Area Great Plains Culture Area
Section American
Materials Deerskin | Bead | Hair | Sinew

Woman's. Deerskin: 3-piece-top, back and front; sinew thread. Fringing around bottom from added strips; points at bottom have narrow stripe with hair (outside). Two rows of fringed on dress; midsection with 5 thongs, one above bottom. Self out fringing around armholes. Tails of sleeves (2 on each side) are extra pieces with short self-cut fringes except at end which has narrow strips with hair. Solid beading over bodice. lazy stitch. Background light blue; geometric designs in dark blue, yellow, red and green. Beading down front and back in scallops leaving plain center.

Length 124 cm
Width 182 cm
Credit Line Gift of Mrs. Robert Pemberton, 1963

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