Compania Consoledada de Naipes
From: Mexico (Central America) | United States of America | New York | New York City
Curatorial Section: Historic
Object Title | Compania Consoledada de Naipes |
Object Number | 20122 |
Current Location | Collections Storage |
Culture | Americana | Mexican |
Provenience | Mexico (Central America) | United States of America | New York | New York City |
Manufacture Location | New York | New York City |
Creator | Consolidated Card Company |
Date Made | 1800-1860 |
Section | Historic |
Materials | Paper |
Technique | Watercolor |
Description | Playing Card Deck / Spanish Deck - 48 cards. Campania Consoledada de Naipes. Overside: red linear pattern design. Underside: Multi-colored design - 12 words, 12 coins, 12 clubs, 12 cups. Made by the New York Consoliated Playing Card Company |
Credit Line | Gift of F. Webb Hodge, 1897 |
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