CBS Register: gold tumbler of Queen Shubad. with illustration.
The two cuneiform signs that compose her name were initially read as "Shub-ad" in Sumerian. Today, however, we think they should be read in Akkadian as "Pu-abi."
Zettler, Richard L., and Lee C. Horne. Treasures from the Royal Tombs of Ur. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 1998. Page/Fig./Plate: 133
Aruz, Joan. Art of the First Cities: The Third Millennium B.C. from the Mediterranean to the Indus. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2003. Page/Fig./Plate: 117
Madeira, Percy C. Men in Search of Man: The First Seventy-Five Years of the University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1964. See: p. 92