Object Number | 97-18-24 |
Current Location | Collections Storage |
Culture | Mboom |
Provenience | Zaire |
Section | African |
Materials | Wood | Leather | Fur | Animal Hair | Beads | Cowry Shells | Seed Pods | Cloth | Metal |
Technique | Carved |
Description | Mboom helmet mask. Carved wood woth copper shapes attached at various places with nails and metal staples, multi colored beads attached to woven raffia and then to the mask, on forehead, eye area, ridge of nose, around mouth, and around lower edge of mask. Carved cross hatched lines are carved on most of exposed surface of face. Woven raffia covers back of mask, appliqued with cowrie shells, beads and seed pods. Animal hair at top of mask. Piece of hyde and short animal tail attached at the chin area. |
Height | 28 cm |
Length | 37 cm |
Credit Line | Gift of Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Hill II, 1997 |
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