Shape: Similar to MS4259. Fabric: Fine, reddish brown (2.5YR 4/4) clay with very dark gray (5YR 3/1) to dark reddish brown (5YR 2.5/2) paint and decoration in added white (10YR 8/2) and added red (2.5YR 4/6) paint. Decoration: Similar to MS4259 but perhaps with an extra vertical white line on the spout. Condition: Part of spout mising and minor chipping from mouth, otherwise intact. Added white paint badly erroded.
Betancourt, Philip P. The Cretan Collections in the University Museum: Minoan Objects Excavated from Vasilke, Pseira, Sphoungaras, Priniatikos Pyrgos, and Other Sites. Philadelphia: The University Museum, 1983. See: pp. 74-75, no. 262, pl. 20, fig. 20
Betancourt, Philip P. "Some Chronological Problems in the Middle Minoan Dark-on-Light Pottery of Eastern Crete." American Journal of Archaeology 81, no. 3. (1977). See: p. 346, ill. 2D
Seager, Richard B. Report of Excavations at Vasiliki, Crete, in 1906. 2, No. 2. Philadelphia: Transactions of the Free Museum of Science and Art, 1907. See: p. 125