From: Greece | Crete | Pseira
Curatorial Section: Mediterranean
Object Number | MS4475 |
Current Location | Collections Storage |
Culture | Minoan |
Provenience | Greece | Crete | Pseira |
Period | Late Minoan IA |
Section | Mediterranean |
Materials | Ceramic |
Description | Shape: Large depressed ovoid-conical spouted jug with one coil handle. One small clay knob (like a rivet) on top of handle. Fabric: Fine, very pale brown (10YR 7/4) clay with decoration in lighter to very dark gray (10YR 3/1) paint and added white (poorly preserved) paint. Self-slipped. Decoration: Band on lip, inside and out. Traces of paint on handle. Bands on neck and lower part of body; frieze on shoulder zone consisting of petaloid loops (see FM 63). Added white paint: unknown designs on loops; dots bounded by lines on band immediately below shoulder zone; perhaps other designs elsewhere. Condition: Restored from fragments. Some sherds missing. Surface very eroded, specially the shite paint. |
Height | 26.2 cm |
Outside Diameter | 10.9 cm |
Credit Line | Gift of the Candia Museum (Herakleion Archaeological Museum); R. B. Seager, 1908 |
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