Mistress and maid. Mistress seated in chair at left, facing right, holding a wreath. Maid standing at right looking toward mistress, holding a large tray in her left hand. In the field above the mistress are, L. to r., a triangular object from which depend two strings terminating in glaze dots; and a mirror. In the field between mistress and maid, above, is the dipinto inscription:(see card)In the field above and behind maid is an oinochoe. Intact.
The Perseus Project. http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/artifactBrowser?object=Vase&field=Collection&value=University+Museum%2C+University+of+Pennsylvania.
Luce, Stephen B. "The Diphilos-Dromippos Lecythi, and Their Relation to Mr. Beazley's Achilles Master." American Journal of Archaeology 23, no. 1. (1919): 19-32. See: pp. 19-32
Antiquités égyptiennes, grecques et romaines..provenant de l'ancienne collection Borelli Bey. 11-13 juin 1913. Hôtel Drouot.. Paris: 1913. See: p. 24, lot 223, pl. 23