Broken and mended; a few small gaps restored in plaster. especially at the back of the mouth. Low ring foot and vertical band handle; a fine raised ring between shoulder and neck. Above the foot a zone of petals. The lower body glazed, with four lines of added purple over the glaze. In the main zone around the level of greatest diameter a procession of warriors right to left; each wears a helmet and carries a round shield. All are incised around the outline; overpainting alternately in purple and white. On the shoulder purple tongues, outlined by incision. The neck glazed but undecorated. Buff clay; thin streaky brownish glaze. Yellow clay, decoration of red and brown bands central zone of warriors with helmets, shields alternating red and buff.
De Puma, Richard D., and Ann B. Brownlee. "Vulci B: rédecouverte d'un contexte funéraire." In Les potiers d'Étrurie et leur monde. Contacts, Échanges, Transferts. Hommages à Mario A. Del Chiaro, by Laura Ambrosini and Vincent Jolivet, 97-108. Paris: Armand Colin Éditeur, 2014. See: pp. 103-104, pl. IIa
Turfa, Jean M. Catalogue of the Etruscan Gallery of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2005. See: pp. 143-144, no. 106, p. C2, pl. 8
White, Donald J., Ann B. Brownlee, Irene B. Romano, and Jean M. Turfa. Guide to the Etruscan and Roman Worlds at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2002. See: p. 19, no. 28
De Puma, Richard D. Etruscan Tomb-Groups: Ancient Pottery and Bronzes in Chicago's Field Museum of Natural History. Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1986. See: p. 29
Moser, Mary E. Etruscan Pottery:The Meeting of Greece and Etruria. Carlisle: Dickinson College, Emil R. Weiss Center for the Arts, The Trout Gallery, 1984. See: cover, pp. 58-59, fig. 35
Stary, P. F. Zur eisenzeitlichen Bewaffnung und Kampfeweise in Mittelitalien. Marburger Studien zur Vor- und Fruhgeschichte Vol.: 3. Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philipp von Zabern, 1981.
Radan, G. "Italic Helmets.." Expedition: The Magazine of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology 6, no. 1. (1963): 28-3348. See: p. 33
Dohan, Edith Hall. "Some Unpublished Vases in the University Museum, Philadelphia." American Journal of Archaeology 38, no. 4. (1934): 523-532. See: p. 527