Figural mosaic An intriguing puzzle, this mosaic appears to be an adaptation of a now lost mosaic from Hadrumentum (Sousse). It probably came from the Roman Tunisian town of Utica and represents Theseus sailing away from the Cretan labyrinth, here mostly missing. Its insciption, VINCLVSVS, repeated twice, remains controversial.
White, Donald J., Ann B. Brownlee, Irene B. Romano, and Jean M. Turfa. Guide to the Etruscan and Roman Worlds at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 2002. See: p. 69, no. 102
Bodel, John, and Stephen V. Tracy. Greek and Latin Inscriptions in the USA: A Checklist. Rome: American Academy in Rome, 1997. Page/Fig./Plate: 211-212 See: p. 212