Chiurazzi, Salavatore. Chiurazzi. Riproduzioni di Opere Classiche in Bronzo e Marmo. Ponti Rossi, Sale D'Esposizione D'Arte, 1929. See: p. 155, no. 252
Tarbell, Frank B. Catalogue of Bronzes Etc., in Field Museum of Natural History: Reproduced from Originals in the National Museum of Naples. Vol.: Publication 130. Anthropological Series. VII, No. 3. Chicago: The Field Museum of Natural History, Jun 1909. See: p. 123, no. 133
J. Chiurazzi & Fils. J. Chiurazzi & Fils Naples Italy Bronze Foundry. Reproductions of the Bronzes Found at Pompei and Herculaneaum and at Present in the National Museum in Naples. The Collection of Bronzes Made Upon the Order of John Wanamaker of Philadelphia for the Archaeology Museum of the University of Pennsylvani. J. Chiurazzi & Fils, 1904. See: no. 134