Statue of Pratyekabuddha made of hard stone, colored and darkened by age. There are traces of dark red and brown paint and slight traces of green and blue on the piece. It is a standing figure, the hands holding a lotus bud, with heavy hands and large neck. The draperies are very massive and simple. The statue has a slightly upturned face with eyes almost closed with long ears and a cap-like arrangement of hair. It has bare feet with no pedesta but there is a tang that extends below the statuel. C113, C150 and C151 are from Cave #2 of the Southern Xiangtangshan. C113 and C151 may not from the same group judging from their different execution.
Tsiang, Katherine R. Echoes of the past : the Buddhist cave temples of Xiangtangshan. Chicago: The David and Alfred Smart Museum of Art, The University of Chicago, 2010. See: pg. 108 fig. 2-E, fig. 3; pg. 210-11 cat. 23; pg. 246 fig. 59
Howard, Angela F. "Reconstructing the Original Location of a Group of Sculptures in the University of Pennsylvania Museum." Orientations (Hong Kong) 32, no. 2. (2001): 32-39. Page/Fig./Plate: 33
Royal Academy of Arts. Catalogue of the International Exhibition of Chinese Art. London: Royal Academy of Arts, 1935. See: Pg. 205, No. 2393; Pg. 219, 2393 (illustration)