Object Number | E1443E |
Current Location | Collections Storage |
Provenience | Egypt | Fayum | Hawara |
Period | Coptic |
Date Made | 6th-9th century CE |
Section | Egyptian |
Materials | Linen | Wool |
Iconography | Tunic |
Description | Fragment of tunic with appliued band. Warp: \/ wool; red Weft: \\ wool; red: Pat: \\ linen; ud Technique: Cloth, brocaded, app to yellow tunic with ud bands. Geometric pattern. |
Length | 16.5 cm |
Width | 44 cm |
Credit Line | Distribution from the Egyptian Research Account; William Flinders Petrie; subscription of Mrs. John Harrison, 1895 |
Other Number | E 1443 - Original Number |
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