Kensinger, Kenneth M., and Ruben E. Reina. The Gift of Birds: Featherwork of Native South American Peoples. University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, 1991.
- Object[74]
- no[74]
- american[74]
- anklet[1]
- apron[1]
- arm band[2]
- band[1]
- belt[3]
- bottle[2]
- bow[1]
- bowl[1]
- ceremonial wand[1]
- cloth[2]
- crown[3]
- cup[1]
- dish[1]
- disk[1]
- ear ornament[1]
- fan[1]
- feathers[1]
- featherwork[6]
- figure[1]
- headdress[24]
- mask[2]
- necklace[1]
- ornament[3]
- outfit part[2]
- panel[1]
- poncho[1]
- pouch[1]
- shaman's rattle[1]
- shoulder strap[1]
- staff[1]
- string of feathers[1]
- textile[2]
- textile fragment[3]
- araguaia river[2]
- arequipa[1]
- bolivia[1]
- brazil[24]
- caudivilla[2]
- condesuya district[1]
- corrego grande[2]
- goias[2]
- gravefield i[6]
- gravefield ii[2]
- guiana[5]
- guyana[3]
- hacienda warangal[4]
- jaraucu river[1]
- juruena river[1]
- kuluseu river mouth[2]
- la centinela[4]
- matto grosso[8]
- matto grosso state[3]
- nazca district[6]
- osibukahunoko[1]
- pachacamac[10]
- para state[3]
- paraguay[1]
- peru[43]
- pisco province[2]
- puntilla[2]
- rio curanja[11]
- sao lorenco river[2]
- tapajos river region[1]
- tapirape river[3]
- upper xingu river[4]
- venezuela[1]
- early 20th century[1]
- modern[1]
- proto-nasca[2]
- apalaii[2]
- aymara[1]
- campa[1]
- cashinahua[11]
- chamacoccos[1]
- cumiana[1]
- early chimu[2]
- eastern bororo[2]
- guana[1]
- karaja[2]
- korkraimoro[1]
- mundurucu[2]
- nasca[1]
- northern kayapo[4]
- paracas[2]
- parukutu[2]
- proto-nasca[2]
- rikbatsa[1]
- rukana[1]
- tapirape[3]
- txukahamai[2]
- waiwai[2]
- wapisiana[3]
- warao[1]
- yawalapiti[2]
- amazonia[35]
- andean[32]
- east brazil[4]
- gran chaco[2]
- bird[3]
- birds[1]
- demon[1]
- gods[1]
- human figure[1]
- human figures[1]
- parrot[1]
- serpent[1]
- bamboo[4]
- bamboo fiber[1]
- bark cloth[1]
- beetle wing[1]
- bird skin[1]
- blue-and-yellow macaw feather[1]
- buriti fiber[1]
- cane (plant)[2]
- ceramic[4]
- cloth[2]
- cord[2]
- cotton[23]
- emu feather[1]
- feather[39]
- feathers[7]
- fiber[3]
- flamingo feather[1]
- glass[2]
- gold[1]
- gourd[1]
- grass[2]
- gum[1]
- ibis feather[1]
- insect[1]
- macaw feather[4]
- mother-of-pearl[1]
- palm leaf[2]
- papier mache[1]
- parrot feather[6]
- plant fiber[3]
- resin (material)[1]
- scarlet macaw feather[1]
- string[1]
- tiger skin[2]
- toucan feather[1]
- vines[1]
- wax cord[1]
- white-necked heron feather[1]
- wood[12]
- wool[4]
- embroidered[3]
- polychrome[3]
- red ware[2]
- actual citation[74]
1 - 30 of 74 Records

1 - 30 of 74 Records