Fitzgerald, Gerald M. Beth-Shan Excavations 1921-1923: the Arab and Byzantine Levels. The University Museum, 1931.
- Object[181]
- near eastern[181]
- ampulla[1]
- basin (vessel)[1]
- block[1]
- bottle[8]
- bowl[6]
- bowl fragment[2]
- capital[5]
- capital fragment[1]
- censer[2]
- column[3]
- cup[3]
- cup fragment[1]
- dish[3]
- door handle[1]
- drain pipe[1]
- figurine[2]
- figurine fragment[1]
- frieze fragment[1]
- jar[2]
- jar cover[3]
- jar handle[23]
- jug[19]
- juglet[4]
- knife[1]
- knocker[2]
- kohl pot[1]
- ladle[1]
- lamp[20]
- lamp fragment[1]
- lamp mold[1]
- lid[1]
- model[1]
- mold[1]
- mortar[1]
- mosaic[7]
- panel[1]
- plaque[1]
- polycandela[5]
- pot[10]
- scarab[1]
- sherd[19]
- slab fragment[1]
- spouted jug[1]
- spouted pot[1]
- stamp seal[1]
- stand[1]
- statue fragment[2]
- stopper[1]
- vase[4]
- vessel[1]
- weight[1]
- beth shean[181]
- israel[176]
- byzantine[94]
- byzantine period[3]
- early arabic[22]
- hellenistic[31]
- hellenistic period[7]
- iron age ib[2]
- iron age iia[2]
- iron age iib[33]
- middle bronze age[5]
- roman[31]
- roman period[6]
- byzantine[3]
- greek[1]
- hellenistic[6]
- iron age[1]
- iron age iib[1]
- rhodian[4]
- roman[6]
- deep rooms 8/5[1]
- lte, house i, 3 sub, s. end[1]
- lte, house i, 4 sub[2]
- lte, house i, 6[1]
- lte, house i, sub, s. end[1]
- lte, house iii, 5, sub[1]
- lte, house iii, 9[2]
- lte, house iii, cistern 1[6]
- lte, house iii, cistern 2[4]
- lte, house iii, upper stratum[1]
- ltn[3]
- ltn 328[1]
- ltn, house iv[1]
- ltn, room 11[1]
- ltn, room 302[1]
- ltn, room 45[2]
- room 248[1]
- slope, deep room 5/x1[1]
- summit, 137/x--1[1]
- summit, debris between se of room 214 and thick wall[1]
- summit, inside inner circle n. side[2]
- summit, inside inner circle, s.e. area[1]
- summit, n. of green inscribed column[1]
- summit, near fallen columns, n.e. area[1]
- summit, near n.w. steps[1]
- summit, p b l, cistern 112[1]
- summit, p b l, room 92[1]
- summit, room 241[2]
- summit, room 286[1]
- summit, s.e. corner[1]
- summit, south, room 220[1]
- summit, south, room 224[1]
- summit, south, room 226[3]
- summit, south, room 227[1]
- summit, south, room 235[1]
- summit, south, room 236[1]
- summit, south, x below room w. of monastery[3]
- trench on north slope[1]
- trench on northern slope[1]
- trench on northern slope, burial 1/2[1]
- trench on northern slope, burial 1/5[1]
- trench on northern slope, burial 1/7[1]
- trench on northern slope, burial 2/1[1]
- acanthus leaf[5]
- animal[1]
- bird[2]
- circle[1]
- cross[1]
- finger[1]
- flower[1]
- grape vine[1]
- grapes[1]
- greek inscription[8]
- inscription[1]
- leaf[1]
- lion[1]
- male head[1]
- ribbons[1]
- star[1]
- toe[1]
- wheel[1]
- woman[1]
- carved[1]
- handmade[1]
- incised[4]
- ionic style[1]
- moulded[1]
- stamped[6]
- terra sigillata[1]
- actual citation[181]
1 - 30 of 181 Records

1 - 30 of 181 Records