Furness, William H. The Home-Life of Borneo Head-Hunters: Its Festivals and Folk-lore. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott & Co., 1902.
- Object[98]
- no[98]
- oceanian[98]
- bird's nest harvester[2]
- blowgun[1]
- blowgun dart gauge[8]
- cigarette board[1]
- door[1]
- drinking cup[1]
- ear[2]
- ear ornament[7]
- ear ornaments[1]
- fighting cap[5]
- fighting jacket[1]
- fighting jacket ornament[3]
- figure[2]
- fire drill base[4]
- fire drill shaft[4]
- fire piston[2]
- fire saw[2]
- flint[1]
- flint and steel case[2]
- head compressor[3]
- hoe[1]
- model[3]
- model ear[2]
- model ear pendant[2]
- plate rack[2]
- poison making board[1]
- rice mortar[1]
- steel[1]
- sun hat[1]
- tally string[4]
- tattoo pattern[16]
- tattooing instrument[2]
- tattooing needle[1]
- tobacco box[3]
- tobacco pipe[6]
- tobacco pouch[1]
- tooth blackener[1]
- trophy skull decoration[7]
- unfinished[1]
- weeding tool[1]
- wind instrument[1]
- baram district[7]
- baram river[3]
- borneo[98]
- dutch west borneo[5]
- kapuas river[4]
- mendalam river[3]
- niah[1]
- pata river[2]
- pliran river[1]
- rejang river[1]
- sarawak[82]
- saribas river[2]
- silat river[3]
- tinjar river[6]
- upper baloi river[2]
- bamboo[11]
- black earth[1]
- bone[1]
- buttons[1]
- ceramic[1]
- civet cat skin[1]
- cloth[3]
- clouded leopard skin[1]
- clouded leopard tooth[3]
- cone shell[1]
- copper alloy[4]
- cowrie shell[1]
- feather[2]
- glass[9]
- goat hair[1]
- gourd[2]
- gutta-percha[1]
- hornbill casque[2]
- hornbill feathers[1]
- leaf[1]
- metal[12]
- nassa shell[1]
- nut (plant)[2]
- orang-utan hair[1]
- orangutan skin[1]
- palm fiber[1]
- palm leaf[1]
- peel[14]
- pigment[3]
- pith[4]
- plant fiber[14]
- porcelain[1]
- rattan[3]
- rattan peel[2]
- scaly anteater[1]
- scaly anteater skin[1]
- shell[3]
- stone[1]
- string[1]
- tobacco[1]
- wax[2]
- wood[67]
- actual citation[50]
- type citation[63]
1 - 30 of 98 Records

1 - 30 of 98 Records