Ainu Bunka Shinkō Kenkyū Suishin Kikō. アイヌの工芸 : ペンシルバニア大学考古学人類学博物館ヒラーコレクション = Ainu collections : University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology Hiller Collections. Sapporo: Ainu Bunka Shinkō Kenkyū Suishin Kikō, 2008.
- Object[177]
- yes[177]
- no[177]
- asian[177]
- apron[1]
- arrow[5]
- arrow poison[1]
- arrow poison board[2]
- baby carrier[1]
- bag[1]
- basket[6]
- bear cub feeding trough[5]
- bear cub's plaything[1]
- bear cub's toy[2]
- bow[6]
- bowl[3]
- carrying mat[1]
- carrying strap[3]
- ceremonial arrow[2]
- ceremonial headdress[2]
- ceremonial quiver[3]
- ceremonial sword[1]
- charcoal box[2]
- chopping knife[1]
- chopping knife sheath[1]
- club[4]
- coat[4]
- deer decoy[1]
- dipper[1]
- dish[1]
- earring[4]
- flint[5]
- food serving plate[2]
- galloping toy[1]
- harpoon[1]
- heddle[1]
- hold-all[3]
- hood[2]
- hoop[1]
- jew's harp[1]
- knife[3]
- knife sheath[7]
- legging[6]
- legging for corpse[1]
- leggings[4]
- libation stick[17]
- lily root cake[2]
- loom[1]
- mat[3]
- millet harvesting tool[1]
- millet winnower[1]
- model[2]
- mortar[1]
- neck band[1]
- necklace[5]
- oil container[1]
- pestle[2]
- plate[3]
- pot hook[2]
- quiver[1]
- raddle[1]
- rope[2]
- salmon spear[2]
- shed stick[1]
- shoe[2]
- shuttle[1]
- smoking kit[1]
- snowshoe[4]
- spoon[6]
- stake[1]
- steel[5]
- stirring stick[2]
- sword[1]
- sword belt[1]
- thread winder[2]
- tinder box[5]
- tobacco box[1]
- tobacco pipe[1]
- tobacco pipe holder[1]
- torch[1]
- toy[3]
- warp spacer[3]
- weaver's sword[3]
- ainu[177]
- animal bone[1]
- arrow poison[1]
- bamboo[13]
- bark[3]
- basketry[6]
- birch bark[3]
- brass[3]
- clam shell[1]
- cloth[1]
- cotton[18]
- cowrie shell[1]
- deer hide[2]
- deerskin[2]
- elm bark[1]
- elm bast[8]
- elm bast fiber[5]
- elm fiber[6]
- fiber[8]
- flint[5]
- glass[5]
- grass[2]
- grass rope[1]
- hair[2]
- hide[2]
- lily root[2]
- linden bast[2]
- metal[16]
- nettle[2]
- parchment[1]
- porcelain[1]
- rushes[4]
- salmon skin[2]
- shell[1]
- silk[1]
- sinew[2]
- steel[5]
- swordfish skin[1]
- tobacco[1]
- twine[1]
- vegetable fiber[4]
- wood[105]
- appliqued[4]
- basketry[6]
- carved[2]
- embroidered[4]
- unfinished[2]
- woven[5]
- actual citation[177]
1 - 30 of 177 Records
1 - 30 of 177 Records