Wegner, Josef W., and Jennifer H. Wegner. The Sphinx That Traveled To Philadelphia. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2015. Page/Fig./Plate: 239
- Object[82]
- egyptian[80]
- mediterranean[2]
- amulet[9]
- architectural relief[1]
- bead string[3]
- cippus[1]
- column[1]
- denarius[1]
- door jamb[1]
- drawing fragment[1]
- figurine[3]
- game piece[2]
- gem[1]
- jar[1]
- lamp handle[1]
- lid[2]
- manuscript[1]
- mirror handle[1]
- necklace[1]
- plaque[1]
- ring[1]
- sarcophagus fragment[1]
- scarab[14]
- seal (object)[2]
- statuary[3]
- statue[12]
- statuette[2]
- stela[12]
- string of beads[2]
- tablet[1]
- toilet box[1]
- votive[1]
- votive statue[1]
- wand[1]
- window[1]
- abydos[5]
- aniba[2]
- buhen[7]
- cairo[1]
- coptos[1]
- deir el-bahari[1]
- dendereh[1]
- dra abu el-naga[1]
- egypt[73]
- el-amarna[1]
- gurob[1]
- heracleopolis[2]
- karanog cemetery[7]
- mediterranean[2]
- memphis (egypt)[8]
- mit-rahineh[18]
- nubia[16]
- oxyrhynchus[1]
- rifeh[1]
- sudan[7]
- tarraneh[1]
- thebes (egypt)[6]
- upper egypt[3]
- abydos[2]
- egyptian early dynastic[3]
- eighteenth dynasty[13]
- first dynasty[3]
- graeco-roman period[2]
- late period[6]
- middle kingdom[6]
- modern[1]
- new kingdom[25]
- nineteenth dynasty[11]
- ptolemaic period[1]
- republican roman period[1]
- roman period[2]
- second intermediate period[1]
- third intermediate period[2]
- thirteenth dynasty[1]
- thirty-third dynasty[1]
- twelfth dynasty[5]
- twentieth dynasty[1]
- twenty-fifth dynasty[1]
- twenty-second dynasty[1]
- twenty-sixth dynasty[3]
- graeco-roman[1]
- greco-roman[1]
- meroitic[7]
- ptolemaic[1]
- republican roman[1]
- roman[2]
- 140, middle stratum[1]
- 200.20 c. 4 metres above merenptah in centre of trench n edge[1]
- an31[1]
- an32[1]
- from palace of merenptah[1]
- g[1]
- g 112[1]
- g 312[1]
- g 45[1]
- g 523[1]
- g 735[1]
- g 780[1]
- h60[1]
- harsaphes temple[1]
- j33b[1]
- k45[2]
- k8[2]
- niche in wall (surface debris wall) 510[1]
- palace of merenptah rm 14 west door[1]
- ramesseum[1]
- ramesseum; originally from the temple precinct of mut at karnak.[1]
- rm100[1]
- rm100e[1]
- rm100w[2]
- rm130[1]
- rm32[1]
- rp 7es[1]
- rp.5f[1]
- sacred enclosure of the temple of the god ptah[1]
- sebbakh[1]
- sebbakh north of 200:16[1]
- south portal[3]
- strip 100mid[1]
- strip100, east third and strip100e[1]
- surface north of room i of the palace of merenptah[1]
- temple[1]
- temple of el-amarna[1]
- tomb of qa'a (tomb q), east side, over chamber 3[1]
- tt289[1]
- uc289[1]
- vestibule of the temple of herishef[1]
- aegis[1]
- animal[1]
- apis bull[1]
- aten[1]
- atum[1]
- ba[1]
- bastet[1]
- bes[2]
- book of the dead[1]
- bull head[1]
- cat[1]
- cowrie shell[1]
- crocodile[2]
- drawing[1]
- eagle[1]
- ear[2]
- enemy[1]
- falcon[2]
- flower[2]
- fly[3]
- frog[2]
- fruit[1]
- funeral[1]
- gazelle?[1]
- harpocrates[1]
- hawk[2]
- headdress[1]
- horus[2]
- human head[1]
- inscription[2]
- isis[1]
- jackal[1]
- king[2]
- knife[2]
- lion[11]
- lion head[2]
- lioness[1]
- lioness head[1]
- maat[1]
- magic formula[1]
- man[1]
- merer[1]
- merneptah[1]
- modius[1]
- nefertem[1]
- nude woman[1]
- osiris[1]
- pomegranate[1]
- ptah[4]
- ptah pataikos[1]
- ramesses ii[2]
- re`[1]
- scarab[1]
- scorpion[1]
- sekhmet[5]
- serapis[1]
- serekh[1]
- serpents[1]
- seth[1]
- smiting[1]
- sphinx[4]
- sun[1]
- sun hymn[1]
- taweret[1]
- tutu[1]
- vulcan[1]
- vulture[2]
- woman[1]
- zeus-serapis[1]
- demotic[2]
- hieroglyphic[15]
- basalt[1]
- bronze[7]
- ceramic[3]
- chalcedony[1]
- diorite[1]
- egyptian blue[1]
- electrum[2]
- faience[14]
- gilt[1]
- glass[2]
- glaze[1]
- gold[5]
- granite[3]
- granodiorite[1]
- hippopotamus ivory[1]
- ink[2]
- ivory[4]
- limestone[14]
- paint[2]
- papyrus[1]
- paste[3]
- pigment[6]
- quartzite[2]
- rock crystal[1]
- sandstone[4]
- silver[1]
- steatite[11]
- stone[2]
- terracotta[1]
- wood[4]
- carved[1]
- cast[1]
- fired[1]
- gilded[1]
- glazed[1]
- inlaid[3]
- inscribed[2]
- painted[3]
- polychrome[1]
- raised relief[1]
- relief[1]
- sunk relief[2]
- actual citation[82]
- type citation[1]
1 - 30 of 82 Records

1 - 30 of 82 Records