Legrain, Leon. Terra-Cottas from Nippur. Publications of the Babylonian Section ed. XVI. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1930. Page/Fig./Plate: 1-52, 445 plates
- Object[359]
- babylonian[1]
- near eastern[358]
- 3D Model[2]
- amulet[1]
- animal figurine[29]
- architectural boss[1]
- barrel cylinder[1]
- bird figurine[6]
- cast[58]
- equestrian figurine[3]
- equestrian figurine fragment[11]
- equestrian plaque[2]
- figurine[72]
- figurine fragment[67]
- figurine mold[8]
- fountain[1]
- fountain fragment[2]
- furniture model[7]
- furniture model fragment[1]
- game piece[1]
- gameboard[1]
- human figurine[75]
- incense burner[7]
- incense burner fragment[1]
- jar stopper[1]
- lamp[8]
- model[12]
- model fragment[2]
- object[1]
- plaque[23]
- plaque fragment[14]
- rattle[5]
- relief[2]
- relief fragment[1]
- rhyton[2]
- rubbing stone[1]
- sherd[4]
- slipper coffin[1]
- spout[1]
- stamp seal[3]
- tray[2]
- tray fragment[1]
- assyrian[1]
- babylonian[3]
- early babylonian[1]
- egyptianizing[9]
- greek[14]
- macedonian[1]
- parthian[6]
- roman[1]
- sumerian[1]
- animal[2]
- animal head[1]
- animal horn?[1]
- ape[1]
- ape head[1]
- baby[5]
- bald man[1]
- bearded god[2]
- bearded man[10]
- bed[2]
- bed?[1]
- bel[15]
- bel?[7]
- beltis[26]
- beltis?[3]
- bird[12]
- bitch[1]
- boar[1]
- boat[1]
- boy[1]
- boy?[1]
- bull[1]
- bull head[2]
- calf?[2]
- camel[3]
- camel head[2]
- camel?[1]
- carpet[1]
- cat?[1]
- chariot[5]
- chariot wheel[1]
- chariot wheel?[2]
- chicken[1]
- club[1]
- cupid?[1]
- deer head[1]
- deity[7]
- deity?[1]
- demon head[1]
- demon?[1]
- diadem[2]
- dog[4]
- dog head[2]
- dog?[2]
- draped woman[2]
- duck[2]
- eabani[1]
- elephant[1]
- enkidu?[1]
- enlil?[1]
- equestrian[1]
- equestrian figurine[1]
- eros?[1]
- etana[1]
- etana?[1]
- female head[5]
- flower[1]
- flute[3]
- foot[1]
- god[3]
- goddess[3]
- goddess?[2]
- headdress[9]
- horse[16]
- horse head[5]
- horse?[2]
- human[2]
- human head[4]
- infant[4]
- lance[2]
- lion[4]
- lioness[2]
- lovers[2]
- male head[3]
- man[14]
- mask[2]
- monkey[2]
- monkey?[2]
- musician[11]
- necklace[4]
- nude woman[27]
- ox[3]
- palm tree[2]
- parthian rider[4]
- priapus?[2]
- quadruped[9]
- ram[2]
- ram head[4]
- rider[12]
- seated woman[2]
- staff[2]
- table[3]
- tambourine[11]
- tray?[2]
- veil[2]
- warrior[2]
- wheel[5]
- woman[40]
- woman?[4]
- worshipper[5]
- actual citation[359]
1 - 30 of 359 Records

1 - 30 of 359 Records