James, George W. Indian Basketry. New York, New York: Dover Publications, 1972.
- Object[62]
- no[62]
- american[62]
- basket[51]
- basket lid[3]
- berry basket[3]
- bowl[5]
- burden basket[1]
- olla[1]
- storage basket[1]
- tray[2]
- alaska[11]
- aleutian islands[1]
- arizona[2]
- attu island[1]
- california (state)[42]
- chilkat river region[2]
- fresno county[2]
- inyo county[4]
- kern county[6]
- kotzebue sound[1]
- lone pine[1]
- mendocino county[1]
- new mexico[1]
- north america[1]
- tulare county[5]
- unalaska island[1]
- united states of america[4]
- valencia county[1]
- yokaya rancheria[1]
- modern[1]
- bead[6]
- beads[1]
- bracken fern[12]
- bullrush[4]
- devil's claw[4]
- dye[1]
- feather[9]
- fiber[11]
- glass[2]
- grass[7]
- maidenhair fern[2]
- plant fiber[18]
- redbud[1]
- sea grass[1]
- sedge[6]
- shell[4]
- spruce root[6]
- willow[9]
- wood[2]
- wool[3]
- yucca[6]
- actual citation[62]
1 - 30 of 62 Records

1 - 30 of 62 Records