"Collections and Publications." Bulletin of the Free Museum of Science and Art II, No. 1. (1899): 39-50.
- Object[155]
- armlet[1]
- arrow[1]
- bag[3]
- bead[15]
- boat model[1]
- bracelet[9]
- buckle[1]
- case[15]
- censer[1]
- cover[2]
- cup[1]
- dragon robe[1]
- drum[1]
- ear pick[1]
- game[3]
- game piece material[1]
- game pieces[17]
- gift cover[1]
- hair pin[1]
- hairpin[25]
- hat[1]
- headdress[1]
- hip-pendant[1]
- jar[1]
- kimono[1]
- lid[1]
- mandarin button[1]
- mandarin hat[1]
- mandarin robe[1]
- mandarin shoe[2]
- mandarin square[1]
- moccasin[2]
- necklace[1]
- ornament[2]
- painting[2]
- pendant mask[1]
- pin[3]
- pipe[1]
- plaque[1]
- pot[1]
- ring[1]
- shield[1]
- spearhead[2]
- statue[1]
- tattoo pattern stick[1]
- tattooing ink[2]
- tattooing ink bowl[1]
- tattooing needle[2]
- tea caddy[1]
- textile[1]
- textile fragment[2]
- tip cat[2]
- toggle[15]
- water snake[1]
- whip top[2]
- whip top whip[1]
- benin kingdom[18]
- burma[1]
- california (state)[1]
- canton[1]
- china[7]
- egypt[1]
- japan[120]
- korea[1]
- luzon[1]
- naha[4]
- new mexico[2]
- nigeria[18]
- north dakota[1]
- northern luzon[2]
- nubia[1]
- okinawa[9]
- oshima[5]
- philippine islands[2]
- plains (culture area)[1]
- ryukyu islands[63]
- san francisco (california)[1]
- south africa[1]
- south dakota[1]
- toshka west[1]
- united states of america[1]
- yokohama[45]
- edo period[6]
- meiji period[6]
- ming dynasty[2]
- qing dynasty[7]
- alcohol[1]
- ball[1]
- balloon vines[1]
- bells[1]
- bhumisparsa mudra[1]
- birds[1]
- boar[1]
- boats[1]
- bottle[1]
- box[1]
- buddha[1]
- cherry blossom[1]
- chrysanthemum[2]
- cities[1]
- cloud[1]
- costumes[1]
- deer[1]
- dragon[3]
- dragons[1]
- eagle[1]
- eggshell[2]
- elephant[1]
- fan[1]
- golden pheasant[1]
- harbor[1]
- lion[1]
- male figure[1]
- manjusri[1]
- monkey[3]
- mudfish[1]
- noh[1]
- okina[1]
- parasol[1]
- phoenix[1]
- racing boat[1]
- snail[1]
- staff[1]
- tiger[1]
- tree[1]
- turtle[3]
- turtles[1]
- vimalakirti[1]
- waves[1]
- agate[1]
- amber[2]
- amethyst[1]
- bamboo[3]
- banana fiber[4]
- bead[2]
- beads[1]
- brass[13]
- brocade[1]
- bronze[2]
- ceramic[4]
- cinnabar[4]
- clay[9]
- copper[1]
- copper alloy[3]
- coral[7]
- cord[2]
- cotton[4]
- cotton cloth[3]
- crepe[1]
- crystal (stone)[1]
- feather[2]
- felt[1]
- fiber[2]
- glass[1]
- gold[3]
- hair[2]
- hide[2]
- horn (animal part)[2]
- iron[2]
- ivory[3]
- jade[1]
- lacquer[21]
- leather[2]
- marble (stone)[1]
- metal[34]
- mother-of-pearl[1]
- paper[4]
- parchment[1]
- pewter[2]
- pigment[1]
- porcelain[3]
- sago palm leaf[1]
- satin[1]
- sea bean pod[1]
- sea beans[1]
- seed[2]
- shell[10]
- silk[5]
- silver[3]
- skin[1]
- soot[2]
- stone[1]
- textile[2]
- tin[1]
- water snake[1]
- wood[43]
- carved[16]
- cut[2]
- double ikat[3]
- embroidered[3]
- engraved[1]
- glazed[1]
- lacquered[20]
- lost wax casting[3]
- painted[1]
- satsuma[1]
- seto ware[2]
- smoked[1]
- woven[2]
- actual citation[155]
- type citation[1]
1 - 30 of 155 Records

1 - 30 of 155 Records