Fleming, Stuart J., David P. Silverman, David B. O'Connor, and Bernard Fishman. The Egyptian Mummy, Secrets and Science. The University Museum, 1980.
- Object[67]
- egyptian[67]
- amulet[11]
- bowl[1]
- box[1]
- canopic jar[2]
- canopic jar lid[2]
- cartonnage[1]
- cat[1]
- coffin board[1]
- coffin box[1]
- coffin lid[2]
- collar[1]
- cup[1]
- drawing[1]
- false door[1]
- foot[1]
- funerary stela[1]
- hapimen[1]
- heart scarab[1]
- human head[1]
- human remains[2]
- ibis[1]
- jar[3]
- mallet[1]
- man[2]
- manuscript[2]
- model[1]
- mummy[7]
- mummy case[1]
- mummy cover[1]
- mummy mask[2]
- mummy portrait[2]
- offering table[1]
- ostracon[1]
- pectoral[1]
- scarab[2]
- shawabti[8]
- statue[8]
- stela[1]
- throwing stick[1]
- vase[1]
- abydos[12]
- aniba[8]
- buhen[3]
- deir el-bahari[2]
- dendereh[3]
- egypt[64]
- el-arabeh[1]
- el-bersheh[1]
- el-kharga[1]
- fayum[1]
- giza[1]
- hiw[2]
- illahun[1]
- karanog cemetery[1]
- meydum[1]
- mit-rahineh[1]
- naqada[1]
- nubia[12]
- saqqara[1]
- sedment[2]
- sudan[3]
- tanis[1]
- thebes (egypt)[8]
- thinis[1]
- upper egypt[4]
- amenhotep iii[1]
- egyptian predynastic period[1]
- eighteenth dynasty[7]
- fifth dynasty[2]
- first intermediate period[1]
- hatshepsut[1]
- late period[11]
- meroitic[1]
- middle kingdom[1]
- new kingdom[17]
- nineteenth dynasty[8]
- old kingdom[2]
- ptolemaic period[7]
- third intermediate period[4]
- thirteenth dynasty[1]
- thirtieth dynasty[10]
- thirty-third dynasty[7]
- tutankhamun[1]
- twelfth dynasty[1]
- twentieth dynasty[3]
- twenty-first dynasty[1]
- twenty-second dynasty[3]
- an 11[1]
- an 17[1]
- an 31[1]
- an14[2]
- an30[2]
- an37[1]
- area 558, rm 34[1]
- cemetery[1]
- el rubiyat[1]
- foundation deposit[1]
- g 153[1]
- grave e176h[1]
- h3[1]
- k8[1]
- ramesseum[4]
- temple[1]
- temple of horus[1]
- tomb 260[2]
- tomb 296[1]
- tomb of djedhor[9]
- anubis[3]
- ba bird[1]
- book of the dead[2]
- cat[1]
- deceased[1]
- duamutef[2]
- face[1]
- fish[1]
- hapimen[1]
- hathor[1]
- head[1]
- heart[1]
- hoe[1]
- horus[1]
- human[2]
- human head[1]
- hymn[1]
- ibis[1]
- imset[1]
- inscription[1]
- isis[3]
- jackal head[1]
- khenu[1]
- khnum[1]
- king[1]
- legal document[1]
- lotus[1]
- man[9]
- merer[1]
- nephthys[1]
- nut[1]
- osiris[1]
- papyrus[1]
- portrait[1]
- ptah-sokar-osiris[1]
- qebehsenuef[1]
- re`[1]
- scribe[1]
- sun[1]
- tutankhamun[1]
- wedjat eye[3]
- hieratic[2]
- hieroglyphic[18]
- meroitic language[1]
- actual citation[67]
1 - 30 of 67 Records

1 - 30 of 67 Records