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- Object[24]
- no[24]
- american[21]
- european[1]
- near eastern[2]
- alaska[8]
- brazil[8]
- cape denbigh[3]
- cape prince of wales[1]
- cook inlet[1]
- corrego grande[8]
- daxatkanada fort[1]
- frank fox's place[1]
- gravefield i[2]
- gravefield i, oldest part[1]
- hasanlu[2]
- holy cross[1]
- iran[2]
- iyatayet[3]
- kachemak bay[1]
- knight island[1]
- kootznahoo inlet[1]
- lower yukon river valley[1]
- matto grosso[8]
- norton sound[3]
- old town[1]
- pachacamac[3]
- peru[3]
- qatlexelye[1]
- robenhausen[1]
- sao lorenco river[8]
- south america[2]
- switzerland[1]
- united states of america[7]
- yakutat bay[1]
- hasanlu period iv[2]
- modern[1]
- neolithic[1]
- old town iii[1]
- engraved[1]
- perforated[1]
1 - 24 of 24 Records