Search Collections
- Object[170]
- no[170]
- historic[170]
- bayonet[1]
- board game[3]
- card game[6]
- checkers[1]
- clasp knife[1]
- coin[1]
- cutlass[1]
- dagger[1]
- dice cup[1]
- dominoe[1]
- engraving[2]
- fortune telling card[1]
- fortune telling cards[2]
- game ball[1]
- game board[4]
- game piece[1]
- game pieces[1]
- goose game[29]
- hunting knife[1]
- instructions[1]
- italian pack[1]
- lottery[2]
- lottery ticket[2]
- minchiate[94]
- playing card[97]
- playing card box[1]
- playing card deck[18]
- playing card wrapper[1]
- puzzle[1]
- rubbing[1]
- sample[1]
- spanish pack[4]
- tambourine[1]
- tangram[1]
- tarot[4]
- tarot card[94]
- tarot card book[2]
- wire puzzle[1]
- wood block[1]
- barcelona[2]
- belgium[2]
- bologna[1]
- brazil[2]
- burgos[1]
- cadiz[1]
- chemin de dames[1]
- cincinnati[1]
- england[2]
- epinal[12]
- europe[3]
- firenze[94]
- france[48]
- frankfurt am main[1]
- germany[3]
- ghent[2]
- groningen[2]
- holland[3]
- italy[95]
- kent[1]
- london[1]
- marseilles[1]
- metz[10]
- mexico (central america)[2]
- new york[1]
- new york city[1]
- ohio[1]
- paris (france)[16]
- pont-a-mousson[2]
- puebla (mexican state)[1]
- rio de janeiro[2]
- spain[10]
- sweden[1]
- toledo[2]
- united states of america[2]
- valencia[1]
- vitoria[1]
- ashford[1]
- french language[19]
- embossed[1]
- engraving[95]
- hand painted[94]
- printed[5]
- watercolor[3]
- a. repos[1]
- b. dondorf[1]
- b. jacobs[2]
- bontamps[1]
- ch. pellerin[1]
- consolidated card company[1]
- david (maker)[1]
- delhalt[3]
- gangel[2]
- ghent museum[1]
- h. pussey[1]
- heraclio fournier[1]
- j. b. camoin[1]
- manaut hermanos[1]
- marcel vagne[2]
- nicholas conver[1]
- olivier-pinot[2]
- p. didion[6]
- pellerin[5]
- pellerin & company[4]
- pietro marchesini[1]
- sebastian comas y ricart[1]
- thomas de la rue and company[1]
- u.s. playing card company[1]
- watilliaux[2]
- actual citation[138]
1 - 32 of 170 Records

1 - 32 of 170 Records