Search Collections
- Object[415]
- no[415]
- oceanian[415]
- adze[2]
- adze blade[3]
- adze haft[2]
- adze head[3]
- architectural carving[7]
- arm band[2]
- armor[1]
- arrow[62]
- arrows in bark[1]
- axe[1]
- bag[5]
- bamboo[1]
- bark[1]
- bark cloth[30]
- bark cloth beater[9]
- bark cloth fragment[2]
- bark quiver[1]
- bark sample[1]
- basket[2]
- basketry strip[1]
- betel mortar[1]
- betel pestle[1]
- blouse[1]
- bow[5]
- bowl[17]
- breadfruit splitter[1]
- bundle of feathers[2]
- calabash lid[1]
- canoe paddle[3]
- carrying bag[1]
- ceremonial adze[1]
- ceremonial artifact[1]
- ceremonial object[1]
- ceremonial paddle[1]
- cheval-de-frise[12]
- club[27]
- coconut[1]
- coconut grater[4]
- coin[1]
- column[4]
- container[2]
- cordage[1]
- cup[3]
- currency[1]
- dagger[3]
- dance club[1]
- decorative mat[2]
- doorpost[2]
- ear plug[2]
- engraved bamboo[9]
- feather bundle[1]
- figure[7]
- fishhook[4]
- fishing float[1]
- flask[2]
- food pounder[1]
- food pounding table[2]
- fragment[1]
- game ball[1]
- hair for gorget[1]
- hand club[1]
- headband[5]
- house[1]
- house ornament[1]
- jacket[1]
- jar[3]
- jug[1]
- ladle[2]
- lime container[1]
- lime gourd bag[1]
- mask[2]
- mat[2]
- matting[1]
- matting fragment[1]
- miniature[1]
- model[1]
- necklace[6]
- object[1]
- octopus lure[1]
- ornament[4]
- ornament material[7]
- pandanus braid[1]
- polisher[1]
- poncho[6]
- pot[1]
- pouch[6]
- pounder[4]
- pudding knife[1]
- rattle[1]
- ritual bowl[1]
- roof spire[11]
- rope[1]
- sample[1]
- skirt[12]
- sling stone[42]
- spear head[2]
- stake figure[7]
- stool[5]
- water carrier (object)[7]
- whale tooth[3]
- ambrym[1]
- austral islands[4]
- bali (indonesia)[4]
- batu sangkar[1]
- borneo[7]
- bougainville[2]
- cook islands[5]
- dutch west borneo[3]
- easter island[2]
- efate[1]
- ellice islands[2]
- espirito santo[1]
- fiji islands[1]
- funafuti[1]
- futuna[3]
- gilbert islands[3]
- grande terre[1]
- mahakam river[2]
- mangaia[2]
- marquesas islands[4]
- mendalam river[1]
- micronesia[1]
- new britain[1]
- new caledonia[181]
- new guinea[6]
- new hebrides[74]
- new zealand[3]
- northern luzon[6]
- northern solomon islands[3]
- nuku hiva[1]
- oceania[4]
- pacific islands[1]
- philippine islands[9]
- polynesia[11]
- port moresby[1]
- putus sibau[2]
- rejang river[1]
- santa cruz islands[11]
- sarawak[3]
- society islands[70]
- solomon islands[17]
- sumatra[1]
- tahiti[21]
- torres islands[1]
- trobriand islands[3]
- tuamotu archipelago[1]
- tuvalu[1]
- vanuatu[1]
- visayan islands[1]
- wamera[1]
- west nakanai[1]
- balsa wood[1]
- bamboo[18]
- bark[5]
- bark cloth[41]
- basalt[2]
- bast[6]
- boar tusk[1]
- bone[8]
- brass[1]
- burlap[1]
- cardboard[1]
- clay[18]
- cloth[7]
- coconut[4]
- coconut fiber[5]
- coconut shell[6]
- cone shell[1]
- conus shell[1]
- coral[2]
- cotton[5]
- cowrie shell[1]
- dog hair[1]
- feather[2]
- feathers[1]
- flax[1]
- flying fox fur[6]
- glass[9]
- gourd[8]
- grass[1]
- greenstone[3]
- horn (animal part)[1]
- iron[2]
- ivory[1]
- leather[1]
- metal[10]
- mollusk shell[4]
- mother-of-pearl[2]
- nail[3]
- obsidian[2]
- palm leaf[1]
- palm leaf sheath[5]
- pandanus[2]
- pandanus leaf[4]
- pearl shell[1]
- peel[2]
- pigment[27]
- pineapple fiber[1]
- plant fiber[58]
- plant material[16]
- plaster[1]
- rattan peel[3]
- reed (plant)[9]
- rope[1]
- seed[1]
- shark teeth[2]
- shell[8]
- shells[1]
- stick[1]
- stone[50]
- string[1]
- turtle shell[2]
- vegetable fiber[2]
- vertebra[1]
- vine[1]
- whale tooth[3]
- wood[133]
- actual citation[22]
- general reference[21]
- type citation[23]

1 - 32 of 415 Records