Search Collections
- Object[427]
- no[427]
- american[427]
- adze[8]
- adze blade[5]
- adze fragment[2]
- adze head[1]
- agate lump[1]
- animal bone[1]
- antler[4]
- arrow[4]
- arrow blade[1]
- arrowhead[21]
- awl[9]
- axe butt[1]
- bag[3]
- bag handle[1]
- bar[2]
- barb[1]
- barbed head[4]
- bark fragment[1]
- basket fragment[1]
- bead[2]
- beads[1]
- birch bark[1]
- blade[6]
- blade fragment[5]
- bodkin[1]
- bone[7]
- boot creaser[1]
- bow[1]
- bowl[7]
- buckle[1]
- carving[1]
- chip[2]
- chips[1]
- chisel[3]
- cleaver[1]
- comb (hair - grooming tool)[1]
- cord[1]
- core[2]
- cores[1]
- dagger[1]
- disc[1]
- dish[1]
- drill mouthpiece[2]
- drill point[2]
- edging[1]
- finger wand[1]
- fish spear[1]
- fish spear prong[4]
- flake[1]
- float[1]
- grinding slab[1]
- grooved slab[1]
- hammer[1]
- hammerstone[1]
- handle[2]
- harpoon blade[3]
- harpoon foreshaft[2]
- harpoon head[2]
- house post[1]
- hunting adze[2]
- ice pick[3]
- inset for plate[2]
- ivory[1]
- knife blade[4]
- knife handle[4]
- lamp[2]
- lance blade[2]
- net float[3]
- net gauge[2]
- net sinker[4]
- net weight[3]
- netting shuttle[2]
- pendant[4]
- pin[2]
- planing adze blade[12]
- point[9]
- pot[2]
- pottery fragment[56]
- pottery fragments[15]
- rod[2]
- saw[4]
- scraper[21]
- scraper blade[7]
- sherd[23]
- sherds[2]
- splitting adze[5]
- spoon[3]
- stone[7]
- strip[4]
- toy[3]
- tube[3]
- ulu blade[16]
- ulu blade fragment[2]
- vessel[2]
- vessel fragment[5]
- weapon blade[2]
- wedge[6]
- whetstone[38]
- wood fragment[2]
- worked bone[2]
- alaska[427]
- anvik[52]
- anvik point[34]
- anvik river[40]
- blackburn[14]
- blackburn slough[14]
- bonasila[106]
- bonasila beach[60]
- eleven-mile village[7]
- frank fox's place[92]
- ghost creek[5]
- grayling (alaska)[6]
- grayling river[1]
- hall rapids[5]
- holiday's old place[5]
- hologochaket[9]
- holy cross[97]
- innoko river[15]
- kaiyuh slough[96]
- kaltag[4]
- khotol river[96]
- lower kaltag[4]
- lower yukon river valley[427]
- new grayling[24]
- old fish camp[76]
- old summer fish camp[1]
- paul esmailka's camp[2]
- shageluk[5]
- shageluk slough[3]
- spring camp[3]
- united states of america[427]
- yukon willow creek[11]
- yuto[3]
- yutogonodaldads[2]
- modern[54]
- prehistoric[23]
- yukon island culture i[1]
- deg hit’an (ingalik)[1]
- dene[18]
- eskimo[15]
- hologochaket[1]
- lower yukon[2]
- modern indian[33]
- prehistoric indian[48]
- yukon[17]
- 1 mi. above and across from shageluk[1]
- 8 mi. up blackburn slough.[1]
- above floor of porch, house #1[4]
- above roof of house #2[8]
- above roof, house #1[6]
- above roof, house #2[1]
- bank on e. side of stream mouth and beach[6]
- beach[4]
- beach of terrace #1[2]
- beach on terrace #1[3]
- charcoal layer above beach on terrace #1[15]
- floor of porch, house #1[5]
- found in house pit[1]
- found on beach[1]
- found on the beach below muller's garden.[1]
- hosue 12[1]
- house # 7[1]
- house #1, above roof[1]
- house #2[4]
- house #7[4]
- house 1[3]
- house 12[38]
- house 13[3]
- house 13, above roof[6]
- house 13, floor[15]
- house 33[14]
- house 5[1]
- house 6[10]
- house 7[1]
- house 8[21]
- house pit[6]
- house pit 8 mi. up blackburn slough[1]
- inside egg storage pit, house #2[1]
- muller's garden and path to the beach.[3]
- old site[2]
- porch of house #1, level uncertain[2]
- slope of terrace #2, at house #1[10]
- village site[1]
- agate[2]
- andesite[13]
- animal bone[4]
- antler[48]
- basalt[18]
- bear tooth[1]
- birch bark[3]
- bird bone[5]
- bone[64]
- caribou bone[4]
- ceramic[70]
- chert[2]
- clay[9]
- copper[1]
- deer bone[1]
- diorite[1]
- eelskin[1]
- feather[1]
- glass[4]
- grass[1]
- greenstone[10]
- hornfels[1]
- iron[2]
- ivory[4]
- jasper[6]
- limestone[3]
- mammoth bone[1]
- moose bone[3]
- moosehide[1]
- mussel shell[1]
- obsidian[3]
- paint[2]
- pigment[5]
- plant fiber[1]
- quartz[1]
- rhyolite[2]
- salmon skin[1]
- sandstone[42]
- schist[6]
- slate[48]
- spruce root[1]
- stone[22]
- tooth[1]
- willow bark[1]
- wood[35]
- wool[1]
- yellow jasper[1]
1 - 32 of 427 Records

1 - 32 of 427 Records