Search Collections
- Object[1,928]
- american[1,928]
- adze[2]
- adze blade[22]
- adze head[3]
- animal bone[7]
- animal tooth[2]
- antler[7]
- arrowhead[10]
- articulation[36]
- awl[118]
- awl point[10]
- bar[4]
- barb[3]
- bead[31]
- bear bone[15]
- bear tooth[2]
- birch bark[3]
- bird bone[19]
- blade[147]
- blade fragment[16]
- bone[35]
- bone fragment[3]
- bone mounting[2]
- boulder chip[4]
- buckle[5]
- button[3]
- caribou bone[10]
- carving[2]
- chip[20]
- chisel[2]
- cleaver[2]
- cutting board[2]
- dart head[45]
- dart point[8]
- doll[3]
- dolorite[2]
- drill[17]
- drill point[10]
- fish hook[51]
- fishhook[2]
- flake[84]
- flint flaker[15]
- foreshaft[3]
- fragment[3]
- grinding stone[4]
- grooved stone[11]
- hammerstone[7]
- handle[3]
- harpoon head[21]
- ice pick[3]
- ivory[4]
- knife[31]
- knife blade[2]
- labret[27]
- lamp[13]
- lance blade[12]
- lance point[4]
- mirror[9]
- model[2]
- needle[40]
- needle case[3]
- needle point[2]
- notched stone[41]
- object[24]
- pebble[5]
- peg[5]
- pendant[19]
- pin[141]
- pin fragment[3]
- plummet[3]
- point[226]
- pottery fragment[3]
- pumice[6]
- rib[12]
- ring[40]
- rod[12]
- saw[9]
- scraper[26]
- scraper blade[2]
- shaft[2]
- shale[5]
- shoulder blade[2]
- sinker[34]
- slab[10]
- slate[16]
- slate fragment[29]
- socket piece[10]
- spoon[3]
- stone[53]
- throwing stone[4]
- toggle[3]
- tooth[4]
- toy[10]
- tube[32]
- ulo[8]
- ulu blade[69]
- ulu blade fragment[6]
- ulu fragment[8]
- wedge[43]
- whale bone[7]
- whetstone[21]
- alaska[1,928]
- cook inlet[285]
- east beach[5]
- fox farm[115]
- kachemak bay[208]
- new midden[1]
- port graham[5]
- united states of america[1,928]
- west beach[23]
- yukon island[1,928]
- eskimo[535]
- inuit[12]
- kachemak bay culture iii[726]
- kachemak bay culture sub-iii[259]
- kachemak bay iii[1]
- prehistoric[1]
- prehistoric eskimo[1,318]
- tanaina[3]
- arctic culture area[1,917]
- subarctic culture area[11]
- 2 d, 1' 6" - 2', vii or viii[8]
- 2 e, 2' 6" - 3', vii[7]
- 2 h[23]
- 2 j[21]
- 2' 6" - 3' 3"[12]
- 2d, 1'6" - 2', vii or viii[7]
- 3 h[93]
- 3 j[46]
- 3 j, 1'3"-1'9"[8]
- 3 k[12]
- 3' - 3'6"[13]
- 3' 9" - 4' 4"[7]
- 3'3" - 3'9"[14]
- 3'6" - 4'[17]
- 3'9" - 4'3"[21]
- 4 h[63]
- 4 h, surface of old midden[8]
- 4 j[54]
- 4 j, 1'3" - 1'10"[8]
- 4 j, surface - 9"[9]
- 4 k[51]
- 4 k 3'4" - 3'9"[7]
- 4 k, 3'3" - 3'9"[43]
- 4' - 4'6"[19]
- 4'3" - 4'9"[14]
- 4'6" - 5'[10]
- 4'9" - 5'3"[19]
- 5 h[87]
- 5 j[56]
- 5 j, 10' 6" - 11', layer 1[15]
- 5 j, 11' 6" - 12', layer 1[8]
- 5 j, 12' 6" - 13', layer 1[8]
- 5 j, 13' - 13' 9", layer 1, bottom of midden[9]
- 5 k[28]
- 5 k, 12' - 12' 6", layer 1[8]
- 5' - 5'6"[16]
- 5'10" - 6'6"[7]
- 5'3" - 5'9"[11]
- 5'6" - 6'[19]
- 5'9" - 6'3"[8]
- 6' - 6'6"[11]
- 6'3" - 6'9"[16]
- 6'6" - 7'[54]
- 6'9" - 7'3"[11]
- 7' - 7'6"[19]
- 7'3" - 7'9"[15]
- 7'6" - 8'[13]
- 7'6" - 8'1"[7]
- 8' - 8'6"[16]
- 8'3" - 8'9"[9]
- 8'6" - 9'2"[7]
- 9' 6" - 10'[10]
- 9'9" - 10'3"[7]
- a, surface to 6", ix[9]
- c, 2' 3" - 2' 9", ix[13]
- cave in[11]
- d, 1' - 2', viii or ix[7]
- d, 3' - 3' 6", vii[8]
- f, 6' 6" - 7' 3", iii[11]
- h, 7' 3" - 7' 9", iii[9]
- house floor - hearth[7]
- j[11]
- j, 2'-2'6"[11]
- k 1' 6"-2'[8]
- k. surface - 1' 6"[8]
- l, 3' - 3'6"[12]
- layer 5 a[11]
- layer 5 b[12]
- layer 5- a[7]
- layer 5- c[8]
- layer 5-a[27]
- layer 5-c[12]
- layer 5a[61]
- layer 5a?[9]
- layer 6[96]
- layer 6 (5a?)[9]
- layer 6 (7?)[7]
- layer 6 or 5-b?[9]
- layer 6 or 5-c[12]
- layer 6 or 5c[10]
- layer 6 or 7[35]
- layer 6?[30]
- layer 7[111]
- layer 7 or 8[12]
- layer 7 or 9[12]
- layer 7?[19]
- layer 8[94]
- layer 8, 6, or 5-b?[7]
- layer 8, 7? or 6[17]
- layer 8?[16]
- layer 9[53]
- layer 9?[30]
- layers 8 and 9[10]
- m, 4' - 4' 6", layer 3 or 4[10]
- on floor of house?[23]
- pit 3[9]
- shelly refill in house[8]
- surface - 2' 6"[17]
- tailings[28]
- upper half[8]
- male head[1]
- adze[1]
- animal bone[9]
- animal tooth[2]
- antler[226]
- augite granite[1]
- basalt[18]
- bear bone[18]
- bear tooth[3]
- birch bark[3]
- bird bone[163]
- black oil shale[3]
- bone[714]
- canine tooth[1]
- caribou bone[21]
- ceramic[3]
- chert[35]
- claystone[1]
- concretion[1]
- copper[4]
- cormorant bone[8]
- crane bone[1]
- diabase[5]
- diorite[1]
- dog bone[3]
- dolorite[15]
- eagle bone[1]
- felsite[8]
- felspar porphyry[1]
- fish bone[37]
- flint[5]
- graywacke[7]
- greenstone[4]
- ground stone[1]
- gypsum[3]
- hematite[1]
- ivory[59]
- jasper[13]
- lava stone[37]
- mammal bone[4]
- marble (stone)[6]
- oil shale[1]
- porcupine tooth[1]
- pumice[6]
- quartz[5]
- quartzite[1]
- red shale[22]
- sandstone[9]
- schist[3]
- seal bone[8]
- seal tooth[1]
- shale[32]
- shell[1]
- slate[328]
- stone[224]
- tooth[4]
- walrus bone[1]
- whale bone[36]
- wood[1]
1 - 32 of 1,928 Records

1 - 32 of 1,928 Records