Contributor: C. Brian Rose

The Golden Age of King Midas
Midas was indisputably the most famous ruler of the Phrygian kingdom in central Turkey, and his Gold...
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Great Wonders: The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus and its Successors
Each of the "wonders" in the ancient world was intended to symbolize the builder's political and eco...
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New Discoveries in Ancient Rome and the Roman World
Dr. C. Brian Rose celebrates the birthday of Rome with New Discoveries in Ancient Rome and the Roman...
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Revealing the City of King Midas: Archaeology and Conservation at Gordion
Located about 100 kilometers southwest of Ankara, Turkey, Gordion was continually inhabited for near...
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Preserving Iraq's Cultural Heritage
Dr. C. Brian Rose, Mediterranean Section Curator, explains historic and current efforts to preserve ...
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Young Friends Valentine Event: Blurred Lines - The Secret Side of the Collections, Part II
The Young Friends of the Penn Museum invite you to their annual Valentine's Day event. This year, Dr...
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Recent Excavations at Gordion, Royal City of Midas
Located approximately 100 km southwest of Ankara, Gordion was continually inhabited for nearly 4000 ...
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Deciphering the Lod Mosaic
Penn Museum members are invited for a private viewing of our current exhibition, Unearthing a Master...
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Antiquities and Museum Acquisitions: Penn Museum Leading the Way
In 1970, the Penn Museum stopped acquiring antiquities that had been looted from their archaeologica...
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Sags, Bags, and Wrinkles in Roman Portraiture
When one visualizes the Roman Republic, the first image that usually comes to mind is that of a male...
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Great Riddles in Archaeology, Atlantis: The Lost Continent?
Dr. Brian Rose April 4, 2012 When the Greek philosopher Plato first described an advanced civili...
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The Trojan War - Myth or Fact
Dr. C. Brian Rose, Deputy Director of the Penn Museum discusses excavations at Troy over the past tw...
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New Discoveries in Ancient Turkey
This lecture reviews the startling new archaeological discoveries that have been made in Turkey duri...
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