Footage from King Midas' Tomb at Gordion, Turkey 1951 and 1957

Category: Educational

Length: 04:50
Film Description This footage was shot during two excavation seasons at Gordion, Turkey in 1951 and 1957. The Midas Mound was opened in 1957 by an archaeological team headed by Rodney Young who appears at the beginning of the film and makes a brief appearance as he pieces together decorative wall moldings. The footage from 1951 shows men from a local village building a mud brick house at the site. The workers used mules to haul away debris during excavation. Also captured on film are the first images of the opening of the Tomb of King Midas. Footage includes shots of King Midas skeleton, cauldrons, belts, safety pins, and metal bowls strewn about the grave.

The footage from 1957 was shot by Samuel B. Eckert (1884-1973), who served as a member of the Board of Managers of The University Museum from 1943-1973.
Original footage can be seen at F16-0715 and F16-0727 [This edited version has titles added]
Video Category Educational

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