When Museums Tackle Tough Topics: Race, Science, and the Penn Museum

Category: Lecture

Length: 1:28:04

Video Date 05/04/2017
Film Description May 4, 2017

Can Museums be instruments of social change?

This past fall, the Penn Museum brought together more than two dozen internationally recognized experts from diverse backgrounds for a series of free programs, The Public Classroom @ Penn Museum: Science and Race: History, Use and Abuse, an in-depth and powerful exploration about race, science, and social justice.

Join us Thursday evening, May 4, as we discuss the process of creating this program and reflect on what went right, what were the challenges, and what we learned. See short videos of each class, hear from some of the experts themselves, and find out how you can use the resources created in this program as it moves from the Museum into the community. Hear from panelists John L. Jackson, Jr., Richard Perry University Professor and Dean of the School of Social Policy and Practice; Janet Monge, Curator-in-Charge, Physical Anthropology Section, Penn Museum, and Adjunct Professor of Anthropology; and Arjun Shankar, Post Doctoral Fellow, School of Social Policy and Practice. Kate Quinn, Director of Exhibitions and Public Programs, Penn Museum, moderates the discussion.
Video Category Lecture

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