Mongolia, Images from the National Museum of Mongolia History (2000)

Category: Exhibiton Related

Length: 34:25
Film ID V-450-34
Film Description 0:00 Photo- Danzan with Harley
2:00 Old woman with daughters - aristocracy
2:46 Boys at Lama School 1920
3:28 Women/children w dung baskets ca. 1920
4:15 Sukhbaatar & Wife


0:00 Photo- Danzan with Harley
2:00 Old woman with daughters - aristocracy
2:46 Boys at Lama School 1920
3:28 Women/children w dung baskets ca. 1920
4:15 Sukhbaatar & Wife (Costume)
4:50 1976 Factory- making clothes
5:39 Tsedenbal - 2nd dictator
1968 Socialist
6:23 Breznev in Ger.
7:31 "1st Edition of Mongolia Socialists Democratic Party Paper ""Truth"""
8:12 Democratic Party Poster
8:35 Poster- Truth, Democracy, Capitalism
9:24 Communists, Mongolia Flag (1921)
10:45 Map, gun, 2nd gun, typewriter, seal of 1921
21:07 Map
22:10 Photo- 3 revolutionaries
24:00 1990 color photo, Nadam, writing, Lamas
750 anniversary of Secret History
26:04 End of Communism
29:29 1990 statue of G.K.
28:00 Partisan banner
30:00 Flag from Demonstration 1990?: Uighur script, black banner
1990 Speak at protest rally (not Zorig)
Video Category Exhibiton Related
Topics Mongolia, National Museum of Mongolian History Archives

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