Africa: Congo Travelogue / "Prince Aho of Dahomey"

Category: Travelogue

Length: 21:10
Film ID F16-4047
Film Description Complete Film (?)
Camera Original
Never commercially available (?)


The first half of the film takes place on the Congo River where Wagenya men are fishing with their characteristic fish traps, also showing the basic construction.
The second half of the film is likely either Bambenga or Bayaka people, formerly known as pygmies. The first section shows children creating shelters, followed by a man climbing a tree using vines, followed by dances. Some of the Europeans or American tourists are seen giving food out to the people in the film.

NOTE: This film does not seem to have footage taken in Dahomey. Perhaps the titles were spliced on at a later time
Video Category Travelogue
Film Creator Mrs. J. Shipley Dixon
Topics Wagenya people, Congo river, People's Republic of the Congo, River transport, Trap fishing, Tree climbing, Dancing, Dance, Bayaka people, Bambenga people

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