Various Kahop Collection: Hawaii (1937)

Category: Travelogue

Length: 08:40
Film ID F16-0564
Film Description Four lengths of film on one reel, un-spliced
1-3: Touristy Hawaiian Dances
4: Unused titles


Unedited Ansco film stock footage, faded badly immediately after developing according to Kate Tode records.

Staged dances of Hawaiian people for tourists. However the numbers that the dance teams are carrying may indicate a contest. This should be checked with Hawaiian sources.
Kate Tode wearing multiple leis, posing with dancers.
A masquerade involving a large bird sculpture dancing and acting bird like.
Several more dances followed by a crab masquerade dance
The coastline of Hawaii from shipboard.
A steep and narrow waterfall.
Video Category Travelogue
Film Creator Arthur and Kate Tode (Kahop)
Topics Touring, Tourism, Tourism displays, Dancing, Dance, Hawaii, Hawaiians, Hula, Dance contests, Hula dancing

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