Egypt, Jerusalem

Category: Travelogue

Length: 13:12
Film ID F16-0493
Film Description Unedited or partially edited footage


[Note that the footage is partially or wholly lenticular color, but not refiltered through a lenticular filter, hence it appears just as vertical stripes, as if scratched.]

Following a tour guide in Egypt
Various tombs and monuments
Nile River cruise
Aswan low dam
Bead sellers
Arthur and Kate Tode seen on cosmopolitan street
Dome of the Rock or Masjid Qubbat As-Sakhrah
Palestinian children, and adults
British soldiers and people praying by wailing wall [?]
Kate Tode dining by Roman ruins
Video Category Travelogue
Film Creator Arthur and Kate Tode (Kahop)
Topics Egypt, Nile River, Karnak, Palestine, Marketplaces, Touring, Tourism, Sailing

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