Tikal 1959 Reel 3 of 3

Category: Expedition & Excavation Footage

Length: 11:40

Film ID F16-0483
Film Description Unedited footage
Tikal & Guatemala


Unedited footage
Tikal & Guatemala.
Reel No. P10 400’ silent 16mm color A copy of Holger Johansen originals, 1959. From silent to sound speed.

Panorama from air, of pyramids and jungle huts and landing strip and airplane arrival

Head quarters and "lab" for the Tikal Project..Hotel.Posada de la Selva.

The Aguada Tikal (reservoir), and huts, with shots of shore scenes.

Jeep ride through jungle, with Stuart Scott and George

"Plaza Grande", or Great Plaza, No. Acropolis, and Temples I—II, Pyramid #34 trenched, and panning past #33 & #32, west to east, to Temple I; followed by detail. Temple I, Temple II, and facade of Pyramid #34

Men digging, C/U hands searching, things found.

Ann Chowning at work.

Shards being washed

Bob Carr putting pieces of pottery together; Shot of repaired pottery.

Stelae at Q, Complex in front of pyramid Group E (4E-36)

Stelae on Plaza Grande; Shot of altar The fish offering

Details of scepter & corn, on Stela 22.

Stelae with hieroglyphs; Stelae with numbers; Stuart- Scott showing Johannsen the stelae with numbers or dates. Shot of oldest monument #29

Includes Philip Aurbach at #9.

Worshipping on the stairs of the church in Chichicastenango;

Abaj on a mountain top

A Maya god image, an Indian priest and a supplicant.

Traditional healer praying before Pascal Abaj.
Video Category Expedition & Excavation Footage
Topics Fieldwork, Tikal expedition, Guatemala, Archaeology, Maya antiquities, Chichicastenango, Traditional medicine

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