1958 Tikal

Category: Expedition & Excavation Footage

Length: 20:20

Film ID F16-0480
Film Description


Unedited footage from the Tikal Expedition.

Smithe No.P5, Feb., Mar. 1958, 420 ft,, 16 mm. color; copy, 13 minutes.
Reel P5—Tikal—Feb., March 1958.

Bert Noble's private plane, flown from California to Tikal.

Vivian Broman & Olga Hazard.

Vivian Broman.

Bert Noble and George Guillemeno

Bert & Vivian.

Jane Adams & Olga, then Olga & Jim Hazard.

Cibal Aguada—Camp Tikal—American Egret

Workmen returning to Camp from Ruins,

Plane Table Survey—Jim Hazard and men.

Newton Le Vine on Stairway—Pyramid #1—note chain-cable

Pyramid #1, #33 and #32 vista, with workmen,

Worker details.

Cleaning Pyramid #1—telescopic view near stairway.

Cleaning Pyramid #1— at N.W. corner.

Bill Coe working at Pyramid #33.

Broad stairway, Great Plaza up to North Temple area.

Richard Adams at Plaza Stairway to Terrace.

Worker details at stelae in Plaza.

Worker details at Plaza Stairway.

Worker at Pyramid 34--Note Chinese-like face.

Ed Shook and Tono Ortiz, Pyrmid #3 and Stela #26, the so-called Red Stela.

Worker detail—shoveling over his head.

Clearing and burning back of Pyramid 34

Tono Ortiz and 2 children (Rufino & Jose Antonio Ortiz)at Stelae #1 & 2, Pyramid 36.

Detail of Stela #1, Pyramid 36.

(Rick?) Wurmer at his find of the 3 Stelae & Altars in Jungle.

Wurmer & FBS at 2 more, (find of Jane Adams).

George Guillemin & workers at Stelae of Group "E"—note. tripod and heavy

block-and-fall rigging, also method of clamping with steel and wood clamp

George gluing up a broken Stela at Group "E"

Two Sculptured Stelae, #9 and #10, in daylight.

Stela #9 in artificial light at night.

Pyramid #1, East end of 350 ft. Plaza.

Pyramid #1, with panning to 32 and 33 to left,

Pyramid 34—North of Plaza,

Pyramid 35—North of Plaza,

Pyramid #2 (West end of Plaza).

Pyramid #2 with Wurman and Newton,

Pyramid 2 showing trees still to top of roof-comb, # 2, Tree detail, 2 Temple and earplug mask on roof-comb.

Detail of roof Comb, Temple #2

Detail of roof Comb, Temple #2

Detail of roof Comb, Temple #2

Eccentric Flints—in group under Tripod.

Eccentric Flints individual pieces (& 2 of volcanic glass),

Eccentric Flints in group.
Video Category Expedition & Excavation Footage
Topics Fieldwork, Archaeological fieldwork, Tikal, Guatemala, Antiquities, Maya antiquities, University Museum expeditions

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