Cyprus 1969 Reel 53 of 65

Category: Travelogue

Length: 17:34
Film ID F16-0396
Film Description Reel 53 of 65
Unedited travelogue


Reel 53 of 65
Unedited travelogue


Cat. Reel53 1969: Reel S3: Cyprus. June 19-20, Kourian. Episkopi.

Mosaic: Ktisis, expressive face (mcu).
Mosaic: a duck.
Heating area for hot room above: flat, red bricks are symbol of a fireplace.
Circular, lined pool.
Restored theater (50-175 A.D.)(pan shot).
Tile pipe, recessed for flange: in basilica.
Hexagonal stone foundation of temple.
Roman road.
Mosaic: Roman gladiator.
Mosaic: a woman (looks like a man).
Mosaic: gladiator with a helmet.
Mosaic: 2 gladiators with swords and shields.
Achilles temple ruins (pan shot).
Stadium: only one found in Cyprus (pan shot).
Stadium sidewalls: good masonry (pan shot).
Seat with recesses for feet.
Outside wall (pan shot).
Thick stone floor of room, in cross section.
Road to Apollo temple.
Sections of a stone channel.
Stone container or manger.
Bath floor, heating area below.
Large stone water jug used by athletes
Alcove with lintel. Square pillar
Holes for metal bars in stone window frame, possibly in the treasury.
Weaving on horizontal hand operated loom (in home of Maria Geoghiou): note that foot treadle isn't fixed to floor, note wooden pulleys, drilled stone weights.
String to hold treadle in position.
Chicken bones used to connect strings (cu).
Mrs. Geoghiou (cu).
End of the warp, connected by a wooden peg.
Wooden spindle wheel, hand turned (Home of Karia Costa).
Horizontal wooden frame loom.
Drilled stone loom weight.
Foot treadle peddles (cu).
Chicken-bone connectors.
Udder holder to relieve strain on goats: a common implement.
Two outdoor stone and brick ovens.
Incense burner.
Wheel used to turn spindle.
Spindle end: winding the thread.
Pail used as a spindle holder.
Spindle with a stone base.
Video Category Travelogue
Film Creator Watson Kintner
Topics Weaving, Roman antiquities, Greek antiquities, Mosaics, Kourion, Antiquities

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