Jordan 1969 Reel 43 of 65

Category: Travelogue

Length: 17:18
Film ID F16-0386
Film Description Reel 43 of 65
Unedited travelogue


Reel 43 of 65
Unedited travelogue

Cat. Reel 386 1969: Reel 43: Jordan. June 6. Madaba.

Mosaic map in St. George's Greek Orthodox Church, showing Palestine of 6th
Century A.D.
Pan, shot of map showing Jordan river, Dead Sea, Egypt, Alexandria, Christian Monastery, Jerusalem.
Scenes from map:
River Jordan with fish.
An antelope (cu).
The Monastery, (cu).
Mountain of Templeton.
Jericho (I E P I X W)
Good Samaritan Inn.
Tributary of Jordan river, St. John and Hagala monasteries (cu).
Dead sea with ship (cu, pan).
Ship mast, hand of traveler, (cu).
Ship. Oars, Legs. (cu).
Nile river Monastery, (cu).
Map of Jerusalem showing 7 gates (cu).
St. George's Church: altar, picture of Christ in dome above altar.
Golden painted icon: a Bishop on Patriarch's seat.
Icon: Michael. Gabriel.
Icon: Mary and angel.
Icon: David and soldier with shield.
Icons (a series of 20, none retouched, from 16th to 19th Century).
New Testament in Arabic: plated with relief figures.
Gold plated Greek bible (14th to 16th Centuries): 5 pictures: St.
Nicholas, St. John, St. Mathew, St. Mark, Jesus, (some out of focus).
Hinge and lock.
"Communion" boxes: ornamented, gilt.
Painting: Abraham sacrificing Isaac.
Ornate cross: 12th to 14th century.
Ornate cross: front and back.
Mosaic in museum (at Madaba): Two Roman female dancers with cymbals.
Symbols, dancers (cu, pan).
Mosaic: animal, water jug. (mcu).
Mosaic: animal head. (cu).
Video Category Travelogue
Film Creator Watson Kintner
Topics Madaba, Byzantine churches, Mosaics

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