Ethiopia 1969 Reel 11 of 65

Category: Travelogue

Length: 17:16
Film ID F16-0354
Film Description Reel 11 of 65
Unedited travelogue
Edaga Di Barura
Adi Ugri
Adi Quala

Cat. Reel 354 1969: Reel 11: Ethiopia. [Current day Eritrea] March 25-30. Edaga Di Baraua. Adi Ugri [Current day Mendefera]. Adi Quala[in current day Eritrea] and Rama (in Ethiopia). Aksum.(in Ethiopia).

Market at Edaga Di Barua: general view.
Metal containers.
Reeds: plain and colored.
Clay or dung bread baking cover with long handle.
Leather baby carrier on child's back.
Reeds, baskets.
Grain market: partly roofed; arcade behind low stone wall.
Unloading a donkey.
Cup inverted on stick: means "beer for sale."
Black pottery.
Market: line of small white tents (pan shot).
Salt for sale: wooden stand, measuring cups.
Cotton section.
Oil section: oil in small cans.
Vegetables, peppers.
At Adi Quala on way to Aksum from Asmara:
Reed section.
Soldier with gun.
Rock platforms.
Peppers. Burlap umbrella.
Market. People (pan shot).
Bread baking pans.
Pottery market: many umbrellas.
Grain in leather bags (cu).
Rama market: general view.
Brush-roof stall for selling.
Houses in stone walled compound: thatched roofs.
Two-story stone buildings, one with exterior stairs.
En-route to Rehe Damos Monastery (Sixth Century):
Flat tire.
Monastery on hilltop (pan from Landrover).
Base of cliff: leather cables afford only access to monastery carved from rock (no women or female animals allowed. No wells; carved reservoirs *see K's notes).
Rama. Axum. Debre Damo..
Man climbing cable to entrance in rock, met by monks.
Man climbing down. Monks in doorway: note sliding wooden door (100 mm).
Valley, mesa (pan shot).
Mud hut with flat roof.
Hut or tukul: thatched roof.
Two story stone buildings: circular, mud roofs.
Brush corrals.
Stone barrier: holds mud on roof.
Stone building.
Stone tukul, thatched roof.
Debre Damo


Reel 11 of 65
Unedited travelogue
Edaga Di Barura
Adi Ugri
Adi Quala
Debre Damo
Video Category Travelogue
Film Creator Watson Kintner
Topics Edaga Di Baraua, Adi Ugri, Mendefera, Adi Quala, Rama, Aksum, Marketplaces, Village life, Christianity

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