Ethiopia 1969 Reel 6 of 65

Category: Travelogue

Length: 17:29
Film ID F16-0349
Film Description Reel 6 of 65
Unedited travelogue
Church of Wokro


Reel 6 of 65
Unedited travelogue
Church of Wokro

Cat. Reel 349 1969: Reel 6: Ethiopia. Church of Wokro. Qohaito, Eritrea

Entrance carved into rocky cliff (pan shot to sky).
Stone pillar.
Church interior, very dark: pillars, carved stone,a picture hung a pillar.
Metal censer held by priest.
Priest's ceremonial umbrella (cu).
Brick house with flat mud covered roof.
Rock hewn Church of Wokro (founded 334)
Steps worn by use.
Stone drainage channel.
Walls, corner: stone and brick construction.
Mountains seen from Belew Kelew. White burial building.
Stella: carved in "Geez" language.
Building. Stone-and-grass houses.
Monastery of Gebre Mesqel Lalibela (Seventh Century A.D.): white exterior, elaborately and colorfully decorated.
Figure inside Gebre Mesqel: lion and angel (cu).
Paintings: 10 scenes of Ethiopian Orthodox painting
Drum: skin drum head.
Interior wall. A picture.
Grinding stone. Graves. Alcove.
Painting of saints, in its original cave.
Stone structures, including many-layered buildings.
Ruins at Qohaito [in Eritrea]: pillars.
Video Category Travelogue
Film Creator Watson Kintner
Topics Church of Wokro, Ethiopian Orthodox painting, Qohaito, Eritrea, Churches, Antiquities

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