Tunisia 1967 Reel 21 of 52

Category: Travelogue

Length: 17:34

Film ID F16-0312
Film Description Reel 21 of 52
Unedited travelogue


Cat. Reel 312 1967: Reel 21: Tunisia, March 26-28. Trajane. Matmata. Zeraoua. Matameur.Boughrara.

Courtyard from above (Trajane). Stone ruins.
Berber olive oil lamp (Matmata).
Holes in earth for Troglodyte home (en-route to Zeraoua).
A home (Zeraoua). Stone with stone steps.
Loom for making rope nets.
Rooftops, skins drying.
Stone manger.
Yard: wool in basket.
Stone mill. Note method of feeding grain to mill: hand operated.
Steep steps.
View from road. Brush on roofs. Tiers of stone houses.
Cactus growing.
Tile work at hotel: (Oabes): possibly a windbreak.
Matameur, showing Ghorfas.
Well: drawing water with donkey: Rope pulley, rubber pail,
automatic release (Matameur).
Carrots soaking.
Square gardens, irrigation ditches.
Camel-operated well: note irrigation ditch atop high wall.
Ghorfas (Matameur): windowless, one atop another: Grain storage:
note steep steps made of flat stones projecting from wall.
Boy descending stairway.
Arm hole for lock.
Ghorfas: front view.
Ghorfas: rear view.
Thatched, circular stone buildings.
Ghorfa (Mendenine).
Street scenes of Ghorfas.
Steep steps on Ghorfas.
Pottery for sale.
Shoe makers at Mendenine: working by hand.
Roman ruins (at Bou Grara, en-route to Djerba).
Flat stones for yard.
Stone baseboard.
Fluted column.
Stub; foundation of column.
Stubs of columns.
Cross-section of column: pivot holes that joined sections.
Carved cornice.
Stone-carved inscription.
Stone baseboard.
Stone with some plaster remaining.
Carved, red stone baseboard.
Perpendicular remains of arch.
Fallen arch.
Carved hole in stone. Resembles a font.
Base of column.
Boughrara: general view.
Sailboat (Djorf).
Ferry (Djorf): note overhang for auto.
Ancient scroll in synagog: 550 B.C. (?) (Hora Seira).
Rolling the scroll.
Colored scroll. Scrolls.
Jewish man. (cu).
Corridors: entrances to rooms for pilgrims. Arched corridor
and balcony.
Well or cistern in courtyard.
Pottery, musical clay drums (cu).
Video Category Travelogue
Film Creator Watson Kintner
Topics Ghorfas, Trajane, Matmata, Zeraoua, Matameur, Bedouin people, Medenine, Djorf, Roman antiquities

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