Japan 1965 Reel 6 of 40

Category: Travelogue

Length: 17:52

Film ID F16-0257
Film Description Reel 6 of 40
Unedited travelogue


Reel 6 of 40
Unedited travelogue

Cat. Reel 257 1965: Reel 6: Japan Shugakuin. Kyoto. Mar. 30-31

Miniature bamboo house.
Brocade worker Sewing (xcu).
Making damascene. Amita company * see K.'s notes for bolder on lacquer
Working groove into metal dish.
Inlaying gold thread.
Inlaying operations; use of small hammer.
2 damascene screens (cu).
Damascene and gold work: table, drawers.
Sign of Amita Jewelry shop.
Thatched roof under repair. Imperial villa at Shugakuin.
3 gardens, summer houses
Garden paths.
Pine tree trained on bamboo poles.
Curved bridge.
Roof to be thatched.
Stone trough.
Hand loom: brocade cloth (underexposed). Tatso Mura shop:
Loom: foot treadle, wood construction, punch card.
Brocade on wall. Mirror (underexposed).
Spindle of colored thread (underexposed).
Design paper for brocade.
Textiles: metal and silk thread.
Carpet (underexposed).
Garden: moss.
Bamboo water piping.
Decorated pot.
Wood block shop:
Gilded wooden statues.
Screen picture: bridge.
Wood block prints: Samurai, birds, people: 11 prints.
Chiseling wood blocks.
Block printing on paper
Video Category Travelogue
Film Creator Watson Kintner
Topics Shugakuin, Weaving, Japanese gardens, Wood block printmaking, Textiles, Handcrafts

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