New Guinea 1957 Reel 33 of 44

Category: Travelogue

Length: 17:17
Film ID F16-0137
Film Description Reel 33 of 44
Unedited travelogue
Port Moresby


1957: Reel 33: New Guinea. May 25-30, Port Moresby. Madang

Fish for sale (Koki Village).
Market. People on shore and road.
Women on shore.
Woman carrying load along shore.
House on pilings.
Bow and arrow ("hard rubber").
Spearing fish using small spear.
House. Outrigger canoe. Woman.
Boys spearing fish (one cu).
Frying fish.
Woman (cu, underexposed).
Boy cracking oysters.
Shore houses on stilts. Boats passing.
Drum being played.
Scenery: water, shore, mountains.
People talking, car.
Village scenes. House.
Girls fighting. Other girls breaking up the fight.
Coral reef. Shore.
Food cooking over a fire.
Village of houses.
Blackboard with writing (School)?
Women carrying burdens.
Cooking pot in use.
Boat with high central platform (Madang).
Outrigger canals. Fish on a rod.
Man carrying bananas on head.
Boys playing with toy bows and arrows.
Port Moresby. Madang.
Making and coloring grass skirts.
Making a boat. Grinding dyes.
Thatched hut.
Ant nest on a tree.
Dog tooth necklaces worn by women.
Video Category Travelogue
Film Creator Watson Kintner
Topics Koki Village, Spear fishing, Madang, Port Moresby

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