The Golden Age of King Midas | Gallery Installation Time Lapse

Category: Promotional

Length: 01:33
Film Description Exclusive World Premiere Exhibition | February 13 through November 27, 2016

The historical King Midas lived in the prosperous city of Gordion, the political and cultural capital of the Phrygians nearly 3,000 years ago. In 1957, Penn Museum archaeologists excavated a spectacular royal tomb believed to be the final resting place of King Midas’ father Gordios. Dating to ca. 740 BCE, the tomb contained a treasure trove of magnificent objects from the time of Midas. This world-exclusive exhibition, developed by the Penn Museum in partnership with the Republic of Turkey, is your chance to view more than 120 dazzling objects, including those from the royal tomb, on special loan from Turkish museums in Ankara, Istanbul, Anatalya, and Gordion.

Special Thanks to the Penn Museum's Exhibition Preparations Department for a look at the installation of a small sample of the tomb's assemblage.
Video Category Promotional

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