French Morocco 1951 Reel 2 of 10

Category: Travelogue

Length: 17:48
Film ID F16-0052
Film Description Reel 2 of 10
Unedited travelogue


Reel 2 of 10
Unedited travelogue

1951: Reel 2: French Morocco. Marrakech and Demnate. June 25-26

Market with burlap stalls, [ws]
Open sidewalk.
Several stores and displays, [metal trays]
Small band.
People in market,[mws; follows individuals down street.]
Wood being carried to wagon.
People in market.
Covered souk to provide shade.
People in street,[mws of boys playing]
Drying yarn.
Boys combing threads for tailor, [l boy waves]
Boy working grindstone with foot.
Looking down shaded souk.
Inside souk, [several shots 'dark]
Traffic in market and street.
Two men carrying carpenter's work.
People in street.
Skin water bag on donkey.
People on street.
Baby being carried on back.
People on street.
Donkey with pitchfork on side.
Cumbersome harness on horse hauling load of stone.
Traffic in street.
On way to Demnate, donkeys dragging reeds.
Camel resting,[mws]
Carts on road.
Dried shrubbery fence.
Thatched roof house.
Projecting frame to provide shade for goats.
People on road.
Mud houses with sprouts to carry rainwater away from walls. [ws,2 shots]
Camel and donkey.
Thatched hut with protecting dry shrubbery branches.
Mud and reeds used to support a hut built long ago. [mws]
Mud hut and baby.
Grain covered with mud for protection, and people.
Camel, donkey and large baskets.
Market place,[perforations]
Donkey being held by tail.
Close up of camel face.
Twig hat and pottery.
Dried skins.
Market place, [one shot of bead merchant and tent]
Olive grove.
People threshing,[mws and cu:12; ws:5]
Walled city gate.
Rows of tailors.
Market and grove.
Market and narrow street.
Water balls.
Old city wall.
Mud building.
Video Category Travelogue
Film Creator Watson Kintner
Topics Morocco, Souk, Marketplaces

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