Fieldwork at South Abydos, Egypt

Category: Lecture

Length: 29:54
Video Date 09/25/2013
Film Description Excavations of the Museum's Egyptian Section took place during the winter of 2012-13 and recently during the summer of 2013. Many discoveries this year provide new information on South Abydos during the Middle and New Kingdoms. The report discusses current results in the excavation program of the tomb of Senwosret III, new evidence from excavations in the private cemeteries, and the exciting new discovery of a fifty-ton royal sarcophagus chamber. We will look briefly as well as at ongoing work at the mayoral residence which this summer produced over two thousand seal impressions and a host of new evidence on the ancient community associated with the mortuary complex of Senwosret III.
Video Category Lecture
Contributor(s) Josef Wegner

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