Great Riddles in Archaeology: El Dorado in the Americas

Category: Lecture

Length: 1:03:20
Video Date 01/04/2012
Film Description Dr. Clark Erickson
January 4, 2012

Great Riddles in Archaeology Lecture Series
El Dorado in the Americas: A Wild Dream or Actual Fact?

Conquistadors, explorers, treasure hunters, and many others have long sought the famed El Dorado or Golden City. Throughout history, elaborate stories and myths have circulated about the existence of such a place and bits of evidence have been assembled to attempt to prove its reality. Dr. Clark Erickson, Professor of Anthropology at the University of Pennsylvania, explores the origins of El Dorado, the complex narratives that circulate, and the historical, ethnographic, and archaeological information that may help us understand the popularity of the concept of El Dorado through time.
Video Category Lecture

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