Cigna [PSA for Penn Museum] (1983)
Category: Educational
Length: 12:37
Film Description | Museum staff are seen in the Archives and among the Near East collections doing research. Jeffrey Ray from the education department is seen giving a [staged] tour through the Museum. There is a view of the Central American gallery in its older display and the African and Egyptian galleries. Mary M. Voigt of the Gordion project is seen doing research in the Museum’s Archives. This PSA was created at the time of the 1983 exhibit, "Ancient Mesopotamia: The Royal Tombs of Ur". Conservation work on the Ram in the Thicket is being performed. Ake Sjorberg, then curator of tablets in the Babylonian section is shown reading a cuneiform tablet. The PSA visits all areas of the Museum including education, public performance, etc. Other staff members appearing are Virginia Green, conservator, working on the Ram in the Thicket, and Vincent Pigott, Archaeo-Metalurgist (MASCA), Harold Dibble (Anthropology Department), and Stuart Flemming (MASCA Director). |
Video Category | Educational |
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